• 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Dude, sorry about your parents. I see 3 options here…go no contact, assert boundaries that condition contact on their behavior, or do nothing and let them keep acting like this. There may be other options I don’t see, but it’s important to recognize they’re probably going to act like this for the rest of your life, so it’ll be best to be intentional about how you interact with them. They sound like the kind of people who’d try to interfere/fuck up your relationships if they don’t like who you’re with, and it sounds like they’re going to be really good at finding fault. A therapist could help you unpack all their bullshit and figure out how best to communicate with them

  • Next time they say something like this, respond with something like “if I’m dating someone, I’ll let you know. If you continue to assume things about my friends, or comment on their appearance, I’m going to stop sending you pictures.”

    If you introduce your next girlfriend to them and they don’t seem to care, have an explicit sit-down conversation about it. Tell them how it makes you feel, point out the inconsistency, and tell them you’re going to stop introducing them if their behavior doesn’t change

  • Cutting the mining and refining of rare earth oxides, aka the production of rare earth metals. That’s what this conversation is about…

    Xinhua reports (Google translation) that the state will implement a unified plan for the development of the rare earth industry. The aim is to encourage and support the research and development of new technologies, processes, products, and new materials and equipment, it says.

    Regulations will be implemented to control the total amount of rare earth mining and smelting. Additionally, Beijing intends to introduce a product traceability system to “strictly manage circulation” of rare earths.

    According to Nikkei Asia, underground resources in China already belong to the state, but illegal mining and smelting of rare earth elements is known to happen in the private sector, and it seems that Beijing is keen to tighten its control over them.

    It’s in every article about this. The price of rare earth ore in China has dropped precipitously, almost 80% since 2022. China is going to punish unauthorized mining and smelting activity and limit production among authorized producers.

    Here’s one article, use your favorite search engine to find a bunch more