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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Update - there was a miscommunication and Sammi was booked for next Wednesday for her ultrasound. Fortunately they do have an in-house machine and one of the vets is very proficient in its use, so just waiting to hear the outcome of that.
    Meanwhile took Zooks in later to see the senior vet as her ears have been rashy and he suggested (with Sammi) that it may have been gastro, and since she does like raw chicken… it’s possible. Meanwhile I have to give Zooks eardrops for a week. Wish me luck…

  • Just took Sammi for her ultrasound - poor love hadn’t been herself all yesterday to the point where I phoned the vet again - they suggested admitted her overnight but there wouldn’t have been anyone there so I decided to keep her home. Wise choice - the wind woke us both up at 3 and she was straight off with the snuggles and purrs and this morning she was demanding breakfast - unfortunately I couldn’t give her it since it’s a fasting procedure.
    Now having a coffee and cake in Mentone while I wait for the school traffic to clear.