Hi! I’m oNevia. I love gaming, design and music. Hit me up if you wanna chat.


  • 25 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023


  • Personally, my biggest support has been my wife who has been with me every step of the way. Even the steps that terrified us both.

    But also, I have found my family that I have been searching for my entire life. I found them here and on the blahaj matrix chat rooms.

    I hope they all know just how special they are to me. They’ve given me a space to be myself and I feel like I finally fit in somewhere.

    When I say they’re my family, I truly honestly mean that.

    There is one special person that I’ve met here that I know for a fact will always be a part of my life. I wouldn’t trade them for the world. ❤️

  • I can not express the gratitude I have for you. Keris seemed to be in a desperate situation and I think you are going to be such a positive influence on her life as she moves forward.

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Youre a modern day underground railroad safe haven for us trans people who just want to live our lives.

    The world needs more people like you and your family. ❤️

    Take care and again, thank you for saving a close friend

  • Just had my first check up with my Endo yesterday. Been on HRT for 3 months and my E levels are almost where I want them at 97.1 pg/ml. Trying to get to the 150 range.

    Haven’t gotten my testosterone test back yet but hoping it’s low as the 100mg of Spiro a day is already kicking my ass.

    Also through these blood tests I found out I probably have hyperthyroidism so gonna have to figure that all out. And maybe Celiacs Disease. Lol

    But otherwise, I’m super happy with my results so far and just learned my daily ibuprofen intake can stunt boob growth so I’m coming off that as fast as possible.

    Currently my biggest hurdle is finally coming out at work … Then everyone in my life will finally know and I don’t have to keep going by my deadname

  • I’m working on parent names too with my wife :) I’ve been daddy up to this point (21 months) and although I don’t get dysphoria from my son referring to me as daddy, it’s not feeling right with other people.

    Anyways, glad to hear you’ve found out what your son will call you ❤️ I’m personally leaning towards Momo and my wife is Mama. Momo because it’s a mix of mama with the first initial of my name (Olivia) and also, reminds me of Momo from Avatar the Last Airbender; so I’m digging that, lol.

  • Thank you for your response ❤️🥹

    My son is 21 months old and his birth was a catalyst for my egg crack.

    Ever since he was born I parented as my authentic self (whether I realized that at the time or not) so largely my parenting has been just that. Being the best parent I can be.

    My wife and I were talking earlier today and we both for some reason are having a hard time seeing me as a “mom” but also not as a “dad” Somewhere in between, but in all other aspects we both see me as a woman. Dysphoria withstanding.

    I’m not saying I feel like the parental roles should be different per se, that doesn’t make sense to me. I view it as a full partnership and gender doesn’t play a part.

    But then on the other hand I feel like I’m taking something away from my son by feeling more and more disconnected from “daddy” and more connected to “something else” Like I don’t deserve the title of mom or dad but something else. I desperately want to be mom but I love hearing my son run up to me yelling dada!. It warms my heart because that is his sound for me. For our special connection we share…

    I think at the end of the day, I have some internal transphobia to work through because this is the one area of my transition where I have this sense of being a “trespasser” Being a mother has always been a dream of mine even when I didn’t have the words for it. So why don’t I feel like I am a mother? When in all aspects of life I am living as my authentic self.


    Anyways, thank you for coming to my Ted talk :)