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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2024


  • I don’t think any of the friends of TBP are on here, but commenting would mean they read and look at feedback, and possibly want to snark). If if they are here: Free Palestine! Land back! Learn about Sudan and DRC! Boycott Coke! Boycott Tim’s & McD’s! Speak up about consent! Call your friends out if they think consent is annoying! Call your friends out on plagiarizing! If your accounts are public, make them safe spaces! Tell your friends it’s unsafe to post their kids’ whereabouts all the time!

    But if they aren’t here, Bri has done a lot of work that is a copycat (like the bubble gum thing). I’m in the field and am paid well for what I do , and I’ve not lost out on business from Bri doing what she does, so her getting jobs doesn’t affect me. I’ve also done a lot of free projects, and I never post or allow photos or articles about pieces if it’s a nod to another piece (for a private commission) and I must disclose original artists for any variations I’ve done on different artwork.

    I think some of her work does have merit, but it’s just so weird and outdated to see pretty, white, thin, cisgender women (or white presenting, because I don’t know Bri’s background) constantly “hired” for things, and the same friend group showing up to each event.

    I’m sure Bri is a pleasant human with a passion for art, and that’s so cool! Art is awesome. Nobody needs perfection in all pieces, but sometimes suggesting craftspeople who are more capable is a way to uplift fellow artists and ensure the piece is done properly. And then, if there were a job that were more suited to her abilities than they would in turn, do the same for her. If I’m asked to do something I haven’t perfected I’ll bring a friend or fellow artist on and work with them, or pass along an artist’s name and simply say “I know someone who is more suited to this project”

  • Thanks J. I’m laughing at the replies to my comments on the art (from an account that is defending her art - an account started 2 days ago on lemmy who have only posted about this Polly pocket “art”😂).

    As an artist myself with my art featured on albums, billboards, charities, products, restaurant walls, etc, I feel upset when I see really bad quality praised (because of B’s status, not talent). If I hired someone to collab on something and I saw the drips, gaps, rough surfaces I would not accept it. It should be a back and forth process for collabs so it’s on Polly pocket too for allowing this poor craftsmanship to happen. It’s okay if companies tell people they need to do some revisions- it’s part of the process. Not every first draft of my work is the “final product”, and I’d be mildly insulted if people just accepted my first drafts or prototypes. There should be no walking on eggshells when it comes to showing your artwork, and feedback about quality is important. Art is subjective, but quality is not.

    If a friend was giving this to my child as a gift? Awesome! But a paid project? I think as artists we can say : there are others who would do a far better job, and if it weren’t B , it would get called out too. If there weren’t “influencers” showing up and covering this, it would be called out.

  • She copies almost all the art she does. I’m in the “art” field and I’ve seen so many of her things that she’s done months if not years before she does them. And while there’s nothing wrong with doing things we see online (hello, inspo) , it’s very disturbing to be getting all this attention when a quick internet search reveals most stuff has been done before. A few artists I follow did a Polly pocket build months ago and even recorded the process on YT. Moonlight Jewel (YT) aka moonlight_jewel_dolls (IG) and rainstorm.creations (IG) did an awesome Polly Pocket which was all posted in April. And they weren’t even the firsts!

  • Omg please tell me we are not bringing back the organ and chest crushing bandage dress style :(. Even when I was a size 4 (when this style was popular back in like 2012). This style was so uncomfortable and left marks for hours after (I had to wear one for a wedding party dress). This style, like most shapewear that reshapes our bodies, squeezing them into “more desirable shapes” (gag me) and are not accessible wear.

  • Right? Our family friend is an OBGYN, and she’s said that we should all be avoiding tampons (even period cups are not all made from safe materials) and that fake nails (even manicured painted ones) should not be inside people. SAFETY is so important. Not everyone can afford or has access to medical care if a nail gets “lost inside”. And it sucks because period products should be accessible and safe for all! And anything going on or in our bodies should be safe, but they aren’t always :(.

  • She lost 100LBS by starving herself and gained fame from it. It totally makes sense that now that she’s no longer on the cover of magazines revealing her “secrets to weight loss” that she becomes a charlatan peddling products to make $ off vulnerable people during an actually economic crisis. This is shameful behaviour.

    DO NOT take health advice from people without medical degrees or a background in nutrition, especially when they profit from selling you something. Supplement and vitamin companies relying on (or reaching out to) influencers to sell their products are the worst kind of scum too.

    She talks about having headaches, gluten intolerance, dairy intolerance, anxiety, bloating, PMDD, cankers, and she’s morphing from big to skinny all day long with hair that won’t grow? Oh yes, perfect partner for a vitamin brand 🙄.

    And I’m not saying that healthy people don’t have health issues beyond their control, but expensive vitamins do not help you get these things under control. If your hair is breaking and won’t grow (always needing extensions to cover this fact), and you get cankers from stress, have anxiety, PMDD, bloating, headaches, etc, then you need to go see a DOCTOR! These are symptoms of quite a few things (possibly PCOS, type 2 diabetes, and even perimenopause to name a few) that might require medical intervention. Doctors can then refer you to specialists (all free in Canada by the way).

    As someone with serious health problems and multiple surgeries in my past (all not caused by lifestyle, so beyond my control), I have never been healed by vitamins, but I have been saved by medical experts! And doctors aren’t immediately suggesting surgeries or prescriptions, but they are giving patients requisitions for blood work done and urinalysis, sometimes ultrasounds, and appointments with specialists. Food isn’t medicine (thank you Dr Joshua Wolrich) but often increasing dark leafy greens, whole grains, veggies, reducing or eliminating alcohol, cutting back on sugar, sleeping, getting outside, exercising (or movement if that’s the word you want to use) reducing allergens in the home, and reporting health changes TO YOUR DOCTOR is beneficial.

    Not everyone has the privilege to be able to afford vacations to unwind, or buy nutritionally, dense foods, or work in an environment free of stress, or get adequate sleep (or in the United States even afford basic medical appointments) or even live in an area with clean air or access to medical assistance. Her act, that followers will benefit health wise from listening to her advice, is very dangerous, entitled and deplorable. Vitamins and supplements can of course be used for certain ailments : before iron infusions, often you’ll get on iron supplements for example, taking vitamin D can help with some health conditions and even magnesium is suggested by some pros. But diabetics cannot just “wing it” they need insulin. Babies that can’t get breast milk need formula to supplement what they will be missing. People with feeding tubes need a special concoction (created by experts) to survive. Depressed people on drugs can’t just drop it. Trans people depend on gender affirming care. People with kidney or liver disease cannot just take vitamins to heal themselves.

    Giving health advice while selling a product is , as the kids would say , SUS. Nobody should be trusting a rando on the internet (who complains about feeling sh*tty on the regular) for health advice.

    And no, I am not enough medical expert, which is why I would not give medical advice that would profit me. Read medical journals (and check sources and citations), talk to experts and if $ is involved, then it’s a scam.

    While I’m here venting, go check out Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without borders) who actually help people in health crisis). If you have $ to give to a scam vitamin brand, spend it on helping people access actual medical care instead.

  • This person :

    • thinks “consent is annoying” (regarding sex)
    • exploits her minor children
    • promotes brands that have been problematic
    • refuses to speak up about Palestine, Sudan, DRC or LGBTQIA2S rights because her family might be doxxed but she lets the public know where they are at all times.
    • promoted extreme dieting (how she became famous)
    • speaks without any background about mental health and diagnoses (improperly) in a way that could cause harm to others in mental health crisis
    • Films her child who has repeatedly asked to not be on social media, and then secretly post those things well not so secretly because she has millions of followers.
    • won’t speak about body autonomy

    Some people do go onto snark pages because they are “jealous of fame” but others like myself, and many others on this page have primarily gravitated here because she’s been asked to use her platform to address issues that cause harm and she won’t.

  • Yes! Steel toe shoes (or closed toe heavier duty shoes, and safety glasses too because if a rock flies up and hits regular sunglasses, you are not protected! And if you do not have a battery powered mower, that is quieter, you should be wearing ear protection. Denim is awesome as a thick fabric for lawn mowing if you don’t have work pants.

  • Pride was June:).

    You’re an awesome mom! My partner is pansexual and Indigenous, and I still never just was like “I’m am ally”- I was given that honour by members of both communities after being active in events for years. I love that you are having important discussions in your home ! Similarly, we regularly discuss human rights, consent, trans rights, body autonomy, genocide, advocacy, etc. We wear our pro Pali stuff, pride stuff, and have an awesome circle that supports this.

    I can’t imagine having millions of people, (allegedly millions of people) follow me and be OK walking the stage for misogynistic and sexualized magazine edition, and yet not be vocal about genocide, trans rights … literally anything of substance?

    Keep supporting your child! It’s obvious that you have a safe space that you have provided, and all homes should be like this. We cannot assume that just because people don’t say anything about something that they are a safe space. It is the reason why it’s so important that everyone is vocal about these things.

    You’re a great human!

  • White cisgender rich woman who : -exploits her kids -doesn’t speak up for LGBTQIA2S -doesn’t speak out against genocide

    • plagiarized blogs of BIPOC women (and profited) and tried passing it off as her own and when caught blamed her “editor -threatened a journalist who called her out on her behaviour
    • Thinks “consent is annoying”
    • supports brands that contribute to genocide
    • made her original $ from losing extreme weight, then shifted to grifting
    • discloses location of her minor children daily, but won’t speak on causes for fear of being doxxed
    • brags about trips, renovations

  • My coworker messaged a friend of hers last year about the dangers of posting kids online and the friend said they should go after the people causing harm, not the people posting. She showed me the screenshots of the dms and that’s when I unfollowed them. It’s one thing to post a photo and then people be awful , and it’s another to announce where you’ll be, that you have more kids than adults to watch the kids, when your flight it, when you’re out of town. But she won’t speak up for Palestine and other things because allegedly people will doxx her? Even google maps and street maps shows people houses, backyards and DOORS and they don’t think a pink flower door can be found? Keep kids OFF public accounts until they are of age AND consent. Period.

  • As someone who played it when my kid was younger, I will warn you that when you are friends with people on the app, you send gifts that you get from poke stops (like parks you visited). It basically announces to friends (or in her case to strangers) where you have been or where you frequent. She’s adding randos from the internet. This is so unsafe. Yes let’s announce the parks and stops we all make WITH KIDS to STRANGERS. This is so stupid. It’s a fun game, but like be smart about it!