• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I think its going to end up a successful move for them.

    They built a platform. The users built the site over the years with minimal interaction from reddit.

    They now have a platform, millions of users, and full control of what they want on that platform.

    The writing has been on the wall for a while now, they want the traffic but don’t want the problems that come with mostly community driven content.
    All the profile redesigns, ability to “follow” users, profile pics, awards, all that has been an indication of the direction over the last few years. The last few steps was to kick out the problem users and be left with those who don’t really give a shit and just want to see memes on their phone while they take a shit. The people who hear about reddit and just grab the official app from the store. The people who don’t care about APIs and protests and modding or accessibility tools. Just eyeballs to look at their ads.

    Those people will stay. It doesn’t matter if 25% of the community leaves, because the natural growth in the next few months from the eyeballs will claw it back over time.

    Once they have an obedient user base who are strictly bound to what reddit want them to see, think TikTok or facebook users, that’s when they will see off. And it will pay off handsomely.

  • Yea look, I got a bit heated about it and I sincerely apologise for that.

    Im glad I brought it up though, enough people have been pissed off about the decision that they seem to have taken a hard 180 on the topic, so alls well that ends well for the time being.

    And yea I agree there are always different angles, and with so many people moving to a new platform for different reasons there is always going to be some butting heads.

    Im just worried that the fediverse is going to take a turn and be overun by edgelords like what has happened with so many “reddit alternatives” in the past.

    Anyway, peace and love for sure my dude/dudette

  • Yes, the backtrack, which was posted after my initial thread, which is a 180 on what was originally posted, but also goes on to say that its impossible to differentiate if its flat chested content.

    All this could have been solved by saying “18+ only”, but instead they want to dance the pedo line and come up with their own rules based on breast size and “anime skin tones” and all this other nonsense.

    This thread isnt missleading, I posted what I saw. Then they backtracked almost. If people didnt post about it and say they were leaving there wouldnt have been a backtrack.