nocages [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • I just made a post about some of these issues as well. Your writing about how you use hyper-precise language really resonates with me as well. I find myself rehearsing speech and getting very frustrated when I can’t find the exact perfect word to convey my meaning, because I hate being misunderstood and then attacked over it. It’s very frustrating when even my most precise words are misconstrued because someone didn’t like the “tone” or finds some other such “fault” with my words that wasn’t intended.

  • I don’t agree. It’s just normalized to the degree that most people don’t actively think about the connection anymore, the same way that they don’t think about how calling something that’s boring “lame” originally came from a term describing a physical impairment.

    Just because something is normalized doesn’t mean it isn’t harmful. Equating different brains with badness upholds ableism the same way that male-as-default in some languages upholds patriarchy.

  • I’m tired of withdrawing from spaces where I don’t feel welcome. There’s basically nowhere left. Almost all spaces are hostile to ND people, and the places made for ND people are all extremely liberal to the point where I simply can’t relate with anyone. I’m tired of standing outside of the spaces where people meet and socialize and looking through the glass. This is how ND people end up isolated.

  • I’m glad to see this brought up, because I’ve already had someone be aggressive to me because of my communication style here and it has turned me off from commenting.

    And in general I’ve seen a lot of casual ableism here. Mostly in the dunk tank. I don’t think that calling people “idiots” just because they haven’t been educated on a topic is okay. Normalized slurs are still slurs.