smol, femme, nerd

libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~

  • 436 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • The trick is to either get an example from them of what they think is a descriptive invoice, or to break down your invoice filling procedure into a step by step workflow or checklist.

    Someone isn’t necessarily being an asshole, that person has their own struggles, goals and priorities. Managing a condition and someone else’s expectations or their own condition is the hardest part of working together. This is where soft skills help, too

  • What’s good about Amazon anyway? It’s better to get stuff directly from a sellers site, even better if they’re indie. There’s not much value to prime shipping anymore, most sellers are pretty good about it now ironically because of Amazon. Using services like Amazon just creates more pollution, wage depression and small business closures. Use services like Amazon less, favor indie and small and fair wage businesses

  • I don’t know, but I think anyone who cares about progressive ideals should try to make it advantageous for amoral intelligent people to favor those ideals.

    There’s no such thing as doing anything for altruistic or communal prospects just for the sake of it, nothing is turning back that clock on reaping the benefits of capitalism, and we can only work with what we have now.

    I think ultimately everyone wants self-preservation, where family and community may be an extension of the self, that’s a good starting point. Things are super depressing now to say the least, which is why people who believe in progressive ideals need to hold on even harder.

  • Last time Republicans won the popular vote was because of 9/11, so 2004, but they always lost otherwise since 1988. The racism and sexism are open wounds from the civil rights movement in the 60s and the women libs movement in the 70s. Most of the red voting states are super low population, so there’s no love for republicans other than their gerrymandering and electoral college fixing.

    I am pretty sure Trump is winning it in 2024 because of the way some of the swing states are removing access to voting. It’s such a fucking fraud