I use xe/xem or they/them pronouns ATM.

I wanna be a cat girl! Or a cat enby perhaps. Nyan.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月11日

  • I completely agree with you about motivation in isolation. I’ve been doing a bit more this past week, but I need to keep pushing myself to stay focused on the same project after a day or so. It was easier in college because I had more external motivation. I did have the idea recently that I could learn a bit of graphics and get a bit more motivation out of what I code. I’ll probably stick with that for a couple of months because it is a fairly versatile skill to know how to tell the GPU to do things. Additionally, thank you for letting me know about the Out in Tech group. It sounds like it would be helpful.

  • Thank you so much for replying and I’m grateful for your insight. In regards to your first point, it is interesting that it is not completely required to be an active contributor to get your foot in the door. I do think it would help with the substantive issue of being a bit rusty at coding and my confidence (as well as being a good thing to do), but it is good to know that there are differing opinions in industry about that.

    I had the same impression as you in regards to the helpfulness of a degree. I had wondered how much I missed out by not going to a flagship state university or a well regarded private school, so knowing that some people view good grades at a mid-tier university as qualifying is helpful. It is also helpful to know that while not ideal, mediocre is at least acceptable in the beginning. I probably have been letting tropes about “genius tech founder” influence my perception of necessary qualifications. Even though intellectually I know that both not everyone is incredibly technically competent and that the trope is usually hype to attract VC funding.

    Also, that roadmaps.sh site looks really helpful in that it shows the concrete skills necessary. Thanks!

  • I’d imagine you want something defined recursively like multiplication

    • ( 0x = 0 )
    • ( xy = x(y-1)+ x ) ( y > 0 ).

    So it needs to be

    • ( x^0 = c ) (c is some constant)
    • ( x^y = xx^{y-1} ) (( y > 0 ) (to see why, replace multiplication with exponentiation and addition with multiplication). So what could ( c ) be? Well, the recursive exponentiation definition we want refers to ( x^0 ) in ( x^1 ). ( x^1 ) must be ( x ) by the thing we wish to capture in the formalism (multiplication repeated a single time). So the proposed formalism has ( x = x^1 = xx^0 = xc ). So ( cx = x ) hence ( c = 1 ), the multiplicative identity. Anything else would leave exponentiation to a zeroth power undefined, require a special case for a zeroth power and make the base definition that of ( x^1 ), or violate the intuition that exponentiation is repeated multiplication.

    On an unrelated note, it’d be nice if Lemmy had Mathjax. I just wrote all this on mobile with that assumption, and I’m not rewriting now that I know better.

  • Thank you for the quick advice. I remember seeing something similar to the two years you’d mentioned when I was applying. The MS route scares me a bit because the CS degree itself is a second bachelors and I could imagine rationalizing pursuing more education because I’m scared of how the workforce would treat me. But I remember meeting a few people doing a Masters program for that reason, so could see taking that path if necessary.