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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • This is all true if you take a tiny portion of what AI is and does (like generative AI) and try to extrapolate that to all of AI.

    AI is a vast field. There are a huge number of NP-hard problems that AI is really really good at.

    If you can reasonably define your problem in terms of some metric and your problem space has a lot of interdependencies, there’s a good chance AI is the best and possibly only (realistic) way to address it.

    Generative AI has gotten all the hype because it looks cool. It’s seen as a big investment because it’s really expensive. A lot of the practical AI is for things like automated calibration. It’s objectively useful and not that expensive to train.

  • Things will only have useful size metrics when the buyers want useful size metrics.

    Men’s pants come with useful size metrics because they’re useful and we attach very little meaning to the measurement of men’s pants.

    Women’s pants come with stupid size metrics because we attach a lot of meaning to the measurement of women’s pants.

    It’s the same reason condoms sizes are all on the spectrum of large to extra large without actually providing a length and diameter.

  • nednobbinstoComic Strips@lemmy.worldEVIL GUY
    9 days ago

    There are already some games like that.

    Some games like Eve or Factorio have backstories that make it clear the player sucks. Capsuleers are immortal but the rest of the crew isn’t. The Factorio engineer lands on a strange planet, pollutes the hell out of it and kills the natives.

    Then there are games like KOTOR or Pathfinder:ROTW where the evil path has you make some pretty fscked up dialog decisions.

  • It’s silly to talk about a “pundit class”. It’s not like they’re a group with any coherent ideas, much less any sort of persistent group loyalty. They’re just people with opinions and a platform.

    This article tries to make it sound like he’s a really popular candidate and there’s some shady group of kingmakers trying to block him.

    The main reason that people are pushing for him to step aside is that they don’t believe he can beat Trump. It’s not that people were grumpy about a raspy voice. There was already a lot of suspicion that he’s going senile. He got the benefit of the doubt and the debate was his chance to prove the doubters wrong. Instead he confirmed their deepest fears. Since then, he’s provided a steady stream of examples of his diminishing mental capacity.

    A formal cognitive assessment might lay those fears to rest but, at this point, it’s unlikely. For many people, the conclusion is clear; the evidence is in and he forgets what he’s talking about mid-sentence. Many people look at the polling numbers around that just want someone who has a chance of beating Trump.

  • nednobbinstoComic Strips@lemmy.worldLoyalty to the flag
    13 days ago

    The visual qualities are exactly the point.

    If you wave around the constitution, it’s indistinguishable from some random bits of parchment. Most people can recognize their flag, even when it’s flapping around and next to similar flags. Humans are just very visual creatures.

    In either case, the pledge isn’t actually to the object itself but to the country represented by that object.

    The problem we have in the US is that Old Glory is commonly used to represent some particular group’s vision of what the US should be rather than a symbol of the country as a whole. When that sort of change is broadly positive, such as when it started to become a symbol of American ingenuity in space, it’s easy for everyone to rally behind. When it starts to symbolize a message like, “We should give the police unrestrained power.” it becomes more divisive.