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  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Very interesting! Thank you for sharing your project!!

    However, in terms of some of the benefits you mention in the “motivations”, bandwidth, energy efficiency and CO2 might weak points: after all your server (backend) stays on 24/7 and it does all the heavy lifting anyway, doesn’t it? So you are not really saving bandwidth/energy/CO2… (unless - of course - you cache in “time” and “space” and reuse the search results for queries of yours and of other users).

  • Thank you! I think that was the issue: I must have not made properly the selection of the Languages (Undefined, English, etc.). It first appeared intuitive (right click to multiple items selection) but I must have made a mess on mobile. Now I see “everything”. :-)

    Thank you!