• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • How were you measuring the current in the power cable? Is this with a Kill-o-watt device or perhaps with a clamp meter and a line splitter?

    For the current both with a line-splitter+clamp and checked with an in-line meter. For the power factor, since I don’t have any actual instrument to measure It, and I just needed a ball-park figure to discern actual consumption from a capacitor, I used this diy method: https://www.giangrandi.org/electronics/cosphi/cosphi.shtml , which measured 0.04 ( with great approximation ).

    As for why there is a capacitor across the mains input […]

    I have the basic on how a switching power supply work, but I was asking because it seemed weird to me that commercial appliances didn’t take any stand-by meaures to avoid “keeping the wires warm”… is this the norm?

  • Da wiki:

    Lemmy is a free and open-source software for running self-hosted social news aggregation and discussion forums.

    Diciamo che ad alcune persone interessa più il primo aspetto, e ad altre il secondo, che sono entrambi nello scopo del progetto. In una istanza come questa con un numero limitato di interazioni penso si debba stare attenti a bilanciare i due aspetti, altrimenti l’altro scompare, ed assieme ad esso anche gli utenti che erano li per quello…

    Troppi feed da bot diluiscono l’engagement e diventa un feed rss e basta, troppe poche news e diventa puramente un forum fatto male.

  • The point is just differentiating your behavior between what you call a “bad” or a “good” junior.

    And from experience the difference is whether they want to learn (regardless of their skill!!) or not (i.e are they passionate or it’s just a job?).

    Passionate seniors get frustrated when they try to teach bad juniors, but there is no point on doing that, the problem was just that the senior was not involved in the hiring process…

  • I’m currently on a TLK, and mostly because I want to learn to stop moving my hands away from the home row. It’s not even only about arrows, but also home/end page up/down etc. and combinations with them which I use a lot and it just get slow and weird since I have to reposition my hands every time… mine is currently quite limited in what I can program it to do unfortunately.