Expert developer, Buddhist

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I just got a new laptop and was genuinely gonna try windows 11 and wsl for my coding needs. But in first boot, it demands internet to do updates. Ok, I connect to coffee shop wifi. Nope, won’t do it because it can’t handle the click through screen to accept wifi ToS. Fine. I take it home, where my Internet is great but has a glitch where it drops out for a few seconds now and then. Turns out that windows will literally cancel updating and demand I reconnect and restart for the kind of drop that I barely notice day to day. So I gave up, plugged in my ArchLinux thumb drive, and mkfs.ext4 before rsyncing my entire old computer to it

  • After a few years of corporate framework stacks, I’m back to writing plain HTML/JS/CSS, and wow, what a joyful float down a river that is

    Even with no transpiler or minification, bespoke HTML is extremely efficient and pleasant to use. I write little script tags with query selectors where I need them, they get efficiently loaded on the pages that use them

    I use Hugo to do imports / classic server side rendering, and it’s stupid fast and efficient. I can compile 500 pages in 0.5s on a dualcore machine with 4gb of ram. Resources (like images) can be processed, converted into multiple file types and resolutions and then automatically cached. It feels so zen

  • I’m kinda annoyed that this whole thing was pretty much a pitch for Tauri, and that’s a pretty lame looking webapp thing with typescript and whatever browser engine you happen to have lying around

    Tauri is tryna be all like “hey look at our install size, it’s smaller than electron!!” … like anyone cares about install size much. The problem is the memory/cpu use of web apps, which tends to 5x a decent native app. Maybe one day, with webassembly…

  • America is the center of the world, hate all you want. This is the cutting edge today. Hollywood is the dominant music/media power. Silicon valley is the dominant technology power. NY is the dominant financial hub. The hippie cultural revolution was largely here, and the civil rights revolutions that inform modern morals. America spends more on military than the rest of the world combined, and therefore has massive influence

    So that’s my context for being here. I was born pretty far away in Europe, which is great in its own ways. But if you really want to play the game at the highest level, America is the place to do it. Everyone else is just trying to catch up. Or they are enjoying a happy low stress life of wine and women with a high standard of living and low inequality — which are definitely unamerican ideals XD

  • My understanding is that the time dilation effect is point of reference based. So to an external viewer, they would see you slow down and then fade away, red shifted, because the light has a harder and harder time escaping the pull of gravity. From your perspective it may be business as normal, not even particularly noticable (maybe)

    What actually happens to you is anyone’s guess currently. The classic view is that with a big enough black hole, you could safely pass the event horizon and explore a very weird region of space where everything (including light) is flowing in one direction. However, since hawking, physics has wrestled with the black hole information paradox — since black holes emit hawking radiation and shrink, is it that you’re duplicated inside and outside? Are the two selves entangled? Do those entanglements rip apart? Or do you get disintegrated and stored on the surface? Is there an energetic barrier around the event horizon? Do you stop being 3D? Does time and space switch roles? Can you exit through a bridge to another part of the universe? Yep, we don’t really know

    Recommend PBS Spacetime on YT if you want to explore the theories