laziestflagellant [they/them]

  • 19 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2022


  • The funny thing is that elder dragons are canonically as likely to have no sexes/alien sexes as they are to have more familiar sex based reproduction. You have Lunastra and Teostra’s collective species and possibly Ahta-kal’s, but then you have Nergigante (explicitly monogendered with asexual budding based reproduction), the Magala family (parasitic impregnation based reproduction with two distinct species of symbiotic virus).

    Unless we’re given lore from the writers, any given elder dragon could be male, female, monogendered or something yet unknown. Stinky here could reproduce with the weird lifesteal effluvium and be part fungus, and that’s its own can of worms.

    also it’s just using the same skeleton and animations as Kushala so like lol

    EDIT: I also forgot about Fatalis, who is implied to be biologically immortal and able to replicate by regenerating from shed body parts, as well as Xeno’Jiiva and Safi’Jiiva who also possibly reproduce parasitically (there was a Xeno’jiiva egg inside the body of MSQ Zorah Magdaros) and Safi’Jiiva even does some really weird shit where it seems to molt into a form that resembles other elder dragons as a form of predatory mimicry, possibly as its method to get close and implant eggs in powerful elder dragons.

    Okay that last part isn’t explicitly canon but so many things line up for it not to be intentional, especially since the species does canonically use pheromones to attract other elder dragons.

  • I guess I mean more in the critical view of the vanilla game (main story quest is insipid and nonsensical, mage progression is very badly balanced and unfun, leveling as a whole is a crapshoot, draugr deathlords and other boss enemies are unfun damage sponges, dragons are easily distracted idiots, world is comprised of 80% bandit population, etc).

    Honestly if Skyrim modding wasn’t so mature and (relatively) approachable, the criticisms would be harsher, but considering that these days you can download preassembled modpacks that turn the game into 4KHD SEKIRO COMBAT ENB GLOBAL ILLUMINATION PARALLAX NEXT GEN REALISM HDT JIGGLE PHYSICS AND HARDCORE SURVIVAL that probably makes the average player pretty unconcerned with what the vanilla game is like.