• 84 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • Both openrc and runit are great; simple, stable, secure and fast. I had some huge problems with systemd even before it was considered usable. Since then, watching it becoming a bloated CVE monster by needlessly sucking up dozens of userspace components has really made me lose a lot of faith in the direction of GNU/Linux. Linux was supposed to be a free and open version of unix for desktop users, but it’s being reshaped into a cheap tool for capital and prone to all the pitfalls of corporate / techbro thinking.

    I’ve worked on Linux for decades, but I might ditch Linux altogether if FreeBSD had better hardware support. There’s only so much I can write and maintain, myself. I love OpenBSD for servers and network appliances since it’s very hardened, straightforward and very well documented.

  • I’m the same with booting into a tty. Starting up with easy to read shell scripts (like just being able to edit .xinitrc) is exactly how I want everything to work :)

    I’d hope “linux” users might have a little better awareness of the attack surface of systemd after xz, but I’m usually disappointed. Tech bros and big tech are absolutely ruining Linux to the point that you have to go pretty far out of the circle now to get a good distro that understands unix philosophy and KISS principals. Void and Gentoo are pretty much my go-to’s, even then I blacklist a good number of packages.

  • For a little more context: The rise of the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot was basically triggered by the US carpet bombing Cambodia. After the US military got thrown the fuck out of Viet Nam, the direct invasion may have ended, but the CIA decided to double down and keep the war going through regional proxy forces, namely the Khmer Rouge, which the CIA was arming, funding and providing military intelligence to. The Khmer Rouge butchered a lot of civilians, but failed pathetically at invading Viet Nam and repelling counterforces. Border regions of Cambodia spent a decade under NVA occupation as a result, while the CIA and KR ran operations out of N. Cambodia and Thailand.

    The CIA also kept stirring up fear and conflict with Viet Nam’s other neighbors, which is where that narrative of “The NVA and USSR won’t stop at the border” came from. My understanding is that the CIA was directly in contact with and trying to convince the PRC that Pol Pot was the real communist revolutionary and needed help, and that the Soviets were using a puppet regime to encircle China. Ofc it was just projection and domino theory bullshit. Deng and the entire PRC should have fucking known better.