invalidusernamelol [he/him]

  • 19 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020


  • Plaintext and a simple kanban board are all you need.

    I’ve been using one called Planka and it’s great. Incredibly minimal and all important info is documented elsewhere so it can just be used for organization.

    Love using a basic SQL database for data warehousing (we need it for billing purposes and SQL records give us a lot more freedom to set up visualizations and data dashboards).

    All day to day communication is either in person, over chats, or though plaintext files and comments left in project directories.

  • Those people are providing a living for themselves, all I’m saying is that working with someone on a project where they’re very involved and you’re all passionate about it and you don’t have to balance that with another full time job is nice.

    Until the workers come out and say that they feel that JT is exploiting them or using them this whole relationship seems to be fine compared to the alternative of working for a company that directly seeks to exploit you to the maximum extent.

    I’m sure cooperative ownership isn’t out of the question for this project, but there isn’t really much money in communist propaganda so it’s amazing that they’re able to support 4 salaries doing it.

  • The clip was uploaded Yesterday, and boy howdy does he say '“I’m a white supremacist” and “I’m a fascist” in it like 8 times in as many different ways.

    For one he embraces white European identity as “superior” to anything else. Then he rejects the old guard of that identity “I would be happy if ever cathedral and parish hall was gone tomorrow”. Then spends the rest of it trying to weasel word a justification of “White Christianity” as a progressive force with “women and homosexuals” just straight up ignoring the fact that this is absolutely not true and in fact the opposite of what they believe.

    His double standard is pretty clear when he even acknowledges that Christianity and the Bible are not inherently good on the subject of women’s rights and gay rights, but “specific Christians are better”. Then immediately turns around and draws conclusions and Islam and all Muslims because he think the Quran is somehow worse.