Just a basic programmer living in California

  • 8 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • Are you saying that you don’t want to write your software according to the XDG spec, or that you don’t want to set the XDG env vars on your system? If it’s the second that’s fine - apps using XDG work just fine if you ignore it. If it’s the first I’d suggest reconsidering because XDG can make things much easier for users of your software who have system setups or preferences that are different from yours; and using XDG doesn’t cause problems for users who ignore it.

    OP’s recommendation is aimed mostly at software authors.

  • So yes, “XDG” stands for “Cross-Desktop Group” - but I don’t agree that using the spec assumes a windowing system. The base directory spec involves checking for certain environment variables for guidance on where to put files, and falling back to certain defaults if those variables are not set. It works fine on headless systems, and on systems that are not XDG-aware (I suppose that means systems that don’t set the relevant env vars).

    OTOH as another commenter pointed out the base directory spec can make software work when it otherwise wouldn’t on a system that doesn’t have a typical home directory layout or permissions.

  • From what I’ve learned revolutions are often accompanied by circumstances where people are desperate due to lack of basic necessities, especially food.

    The French revolution was preceded by a serious food shortage. Remember that “let them eat cake” comment? One of the key events, the Women’s March which displaced the king and queen from Versailles, was specifically motivated by demands for food.

    The European People’s Spring saw lots of revolutions across Europe in 1848-1849 including in France, Italy, Bavaria, Austria, Hungary. That was about the same time as a continent-wide grain shortage on top of an economic crisis.

    The Russian revolution of 1917 came at a time when a combination of WW1, bad leadership, and an extra cold winter led to food shortages, and fuel shortages so people were starving and freezing at the same time.

  • It could be good, but there is a conflict with one of the electric car hurdles: range anxiety. I use a level 1 charger at home which works fine for regular use - but it does take about 4 days to charge a nearly-depleted battery up to 80%. I’d be loath to give up energy that takes such a long time to get back. But this system would presumably require a level 2 charger, and that might make it ok. Still I can imagine objections over not having a car charged when you want to make a longer, last-minute trip, and over battery depreciation due to more cycling.