• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • hakasetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldI should be banned from using microwaves
    9 hours ago

    I have one of those and it’s cost me who knows how much time and effort. The only times I ever really use are 15 seconds (for melting butter), 50 seconds (for water for baking bread; 1 minute is too hot), and 1:45 for coffee (again, 2 minutes is too hot). I can count the number of times I’ve actually used the “push 1 for 1 minute” feature on one hand, and instead I have to press an additional “timer” button for absolutely no reason Every. Single. Time. I want to microwave something.

  • Unless you’re talking about Scots, the closest languages to English are separated by at minimum more than a thousand years, which is plenty of time for those constraints to change significantly.

    I’d even expect different dialects of English to behave differently when adapting loanwords, because they already show plenty of phonotactic differentiation.

  • hakasetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldNobody dare Pluto Pterodactyl
    19 days ago

    I have a private theory about that, actually (that is, not backed up by research yet to my knowledge).

    I think this is due to accidental gaps, that some languages allow for clusters that just don’t happen to appear in those languages by an accident of history (e.g. they allowed them at one point but they were eliminated by a phonotactic filter that no longer exists in the language, etc.), so when they borrow a word with that string now, they can pronounce it no problem.

    If you think about phonotactic constraints as being the result of constant rankings (as in models like Optimality Theory), this should even be predicted as a form of Emergence of the Unmarked (though stop clusters are pretty marked, so this would be more like “local” or “coincidental” unmarkedness).

    I also think that studying borrowing adaptations like this would give us a more accurate picture of the overall constraint ranking of a given language than just restricting ourselves to native words.