I use arch btw.
Spanish software engineer, I love self-hosting and sometimes I do mods for games.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • @Phanlix @Holzkohlen Sorry but I can’t agree with you on the user friendly side. KDE and Gnome ( to name a few ) have made incredible advancements on that side. While its true some commands are still required, once you get used GNU/Linux imo is better than Windows ( I love being able to install lots of software from one single place, the package manager ).

    You should take small steps, dont try to rush your learning experience, enjoy it. If you want to become proficient with a completly different ideology of an OS as Linux is compared to Windows… dont even try Linux, you are going to suffer

  • @aniki @ExLisper Leaving aside the activity of the X project, I still can’t switch to Wayland. My main reasons for not switching yet are not being able to use hotkeys while not focusing the program and worse performance in some games ( like tf2 ).

    I feel X still fulfills its purpose and as longs as its supported I will keep using it ( unless wayland changes their design decisions and allows unfocused windows to read keyboard for hotkeys )