intinya third place ya yang rame, polanya mirip kayak hongkong, siang-siang panas, orang-orang gak mau nongkrong di taman, maunya nongkrong di mall ber-AC
indonesian. he/him. cs undergrad.
intinya third place ya yang rame, polanya mirip kayak hongkong, siang-siang panas, orang-orang gak mau nongkrong di taman, maunya nongkrong di mall ber-AC
karena gw kadang ganti2 browser, firefox edge chrome
sama, gw merasa terlalu terkenal, dan instance lokal bus factornya terlalu kecil, gw ambil jalan tengah dan mainly pake (tapi gw punya akun 3 ketiga instance itu)
inggris is fine
it seems like the clock is different for each people, for you christianity is still a religion, while for me islam is still a religion, for some people, both are fable already
for some, it’s fable already
saya pake ddg tapi 99% bakal nambahin !bang ke google !g
enaknya pake ddg bisa pake bang itu tadi, kalo mau buka yt tambahin !yt wikipedia !w wiktionary !wt twitter !tw google images !gi
pake bing cuma kalo butuh buat bing chat, nambahin !b
nah masalahnya banyak manhwa yang awal2/ hooknya bagus, tapi lama2 bosenin terus gw drop deh, kan rugi waktu
contohnya ygret, neolith girl, master of tutorial tower (semuanya udah gw baca lebih dari 10 chapter)
sekalinya ada yang bagus malah cancelled wkwk (misal legendary moonlight sculptor)
buat gw manhwa agak2 hit or miss, karena gaada website buat ngash tau rating suatu manhwa kek MAL
just wondering? belinya di mana? karena setau gw banyak website yang ngasi iming-iming domain murah buat beberapa tahun pertama, terus buat renewal harganya dinaikin berkali2lipat
they’ll move to threads because threads will be incompatible with the rest of fediverse (thread essentially defederate themself), and if most content is being posted in threads, they’ll move there (since they can’t access it from other instance)
this has happened before, such as
precaution biar gak diblok kominfo ya?
they did this specially prevent the Embrace, Extend, Extinguish strategy
kalo ini dari
yep, gw gapernah pake ddg nya buat search, selalu gw tambahin !g jadi searchnya ke google juga