Good Girl [she/they]


  • 64 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • It was okay up until they did the cliche thing where the character who holds the morally correct position 99% of the time suddenly does a heel turn and commits an irredeemable crime.

    Then it just became “BOTH SIDES ARE BAD ACTUALLY.”

    Like yeah sure Ken Levine, the revolutionaries trying to free their people are just as bad as the ruling class that’s doing textbook racism, just because you wrote the revolutionaries’ leader into killing a child.

  • I use capitalised pronouns.

    Fixed, my B.

    I think I understand where You’re coming from, I just don’t fully agree that there is no objective reality. Objective reality happens with or without me. If I were to die tomorrow, objective reality would continue to happen whether or not I’m there to experience it. If I were to become brain dead but my body continued to work, nerve endings and biological responses would continue to process reality as it happens to “me”.

    I do vibe more with the idea that something like consensus reality is bullshit however.

    Above all I have mad respect for You and what You’re bringing, It’s just not for me.

  • We should be arguing that white supremacists’ dehumanisation is a choice, a choice to be evil, not an inevitable reality.

    So then would You say that the choice is not ‘seeing others as human’, but rather ‘denying other’s humanity’?

    Admittedly I have a tenuous grasp on Soulism as an ideology so far, as my only real exposure to it has been through a very confrontational individual. I do feel like I agree with most of what I do understand of Soulism. The thing is I don’t fully get the idea of denying what You call reality versus, for example, recognizing that certain things enforced by those in power and popular society are simply social constructs (i.e. the gender binary and racial science and relations) and as such may be, and should be, torn down or dismantled but do exist as an actual tangible threat to those who are marginalized by said social constructs.

    Basically what i’m asking is: Is Your stance of “denying reality” a way to circumvent and fight back or even simply exist without acknowledging or giving power to (playing around as opposed to playing within the rules of) oppressive socially constructed systems?