• 43 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • That was a really rough watch. Most of these aren’t arguments that atheists make…they’re invented stances because the narrator thought of a zinger. Some are real (and argued against poorly) but the majority are just strawman

    science only deals with the physical

    So the video creator doesn’t know anything about science. How unsurprising.

    Medically documented cases of demonic possession

    No there’s not lmao

    “It makes a lot more sense for that first cause to be a personal god who caused things for a reason rather than some random impersonal force”

    Why does that make more sense? No justification, just “it makes a lot more sense”?

    “We deserve it”

    To quote the narrator, that’s not the gotcha you think it is. The all-powerful God made us capable of evil so we can prove our love for him by not being evil. Cool guy!

    [Comparing evil to physical substances]

    Evil is largely defined by the actions of the individual. Intent matters but the road to hell was paved in good intentions, after all. God unfortunately meets the definition by knowingly giving kids cancer and creating evil humans.

    Why did God let evil exist at all? Because he’s glorified in defeating it

    So…he invented a problem in order to get praised for solving it? What is he, a middle manager?

    [loving your wife is brain chemicals and your wife is real]

    People fall in love with stuff that’s not real all the time so what point is this trying to make?

    [Drug trips and near death experiences feel different]

    An acid trip feels different than a mushroom trip. Hmmm it’s almost like the specific chemicals matter…

    [Faith is trust]

    My mans can’t even Google a definition. Those two words are not interchangeable

    1. complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

    2. strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

  • Beans and rice are a cheap way to eat but people shouldn’t have to live on that…especially with a college degree.

    The list doesn’t include utilities, phone, basic household supplies, nor any sort of healthcare/medicines (USA! USA!). You also didn’t take out health insurance from the checks. A few years ago I was making about 55k and my biweekly checks were a lot closer to $1300 than $1840.