Anyone know when/if this will be pushed to flathub?
Danish for “Confused Bird”
Anyone know when/if this will be pushed to flathub?
deleted by creator
Tjek deres email på “have i been pwnd”. Hvis de faktisk har bare ét enkelt password der er lækket, og de får det vist, så kan forskrækkelsen være nok til, at de i det mindste vil overveje at gøre noget ved deres sikkerhed. Rigtig mange forstår ikke implikationerne ved datalæk. “Ja, de har min kode til hestenettet, og hva så?” - Ja nu har de koden og mailen dertil. Måske også en fødselsdato som der kan genereres nye kodeforsøg. Et kælenavn også? Lad os tjekke på andre lækkede lister og se om der er match. Dét var der - med samme kode, bare med nye cifre eller andre tegn. Og på dette læk var en adresse, lad os matche andre lister for læk der indeholder adressen osv.
Jeg tror også folk forstiller sig en hacker-man, der sidder og angriber DIG som person. “Hvorfor skulle de dog det? Jeg har intet at skjule”. Men det er i virkeligheden bots, og tit MEGET simple scripts som laver disse tjek tusinde gange på et sekund. Hvis der bliver bygges en stærk profil af dig, kan den enten bruges til at sælge til hackere, eller hvis man er så uheldig, at der også var kreditkort oplysninger i profilen, tømme ens bankkonto ud i intetheden (crypto), hvor banken måske ikke kan redde én.
2FA er bedre at få preached til familien først. OG FOR GUDS SKYLD IKKE GOOGLES ELLER MICROSOFTS LORT. Vælg noget der helst er offline, med crypteret backup til icloud eller google drive, hvis det er nemmere for dem. Password managers kan være en stor ting at sætte sig ind i, for ikke-tekniske. “2FA er jo ligesom det der nemID/MitID vi allerede bruger”.
Sorry, just misunderstood the wording on the website, but as others and you said, they just charge once a month.
Oh. Hadn’t thought about docker on arm not supporting x86 containers! Thanks for the heads up! Yea, I’ll look into the CX packages instead, as well as Netcup
They bill hourly, but what does that exactly entail? Can I risk ending up with a huge bill at the end of the month, or would I be contained to what I pay for/signed up for?
Ang. Donation, har jeg selv doneret til andre projekter via Liberapay, dog husker jeg opsætningen som lidt klodset. Hvis det på nuværende tidspunkt ikke har brug for nogen større finansiering, så kan du bare lave et hurtigt PayPal donate link til dem der har lyst 😊
Regarding photo storage, Immich is pretty close to a perfect clone/replacement for Google Fotos in my opinion.
Yes, June 29.
Looked into selling my old gaming laptop just recently, and it just doesn’t seem like its worth selling them, if they are any older than 5 years, and not top spec. Making a server/node/test machine, might be the best option. Still not comfortable with the laptop battery as ups thing.
For the specific wallpaper:
But can highly recommend taking a look at the whole collection of wallpapers the site collects:
frequently rotates between a lot of them 😁
If I want to search for say location or filename, I have to insert “m:” first. Wiki and the app says its for searching metadata instead of smart search, but anything else just leaves me with a server error. I’m certain its just something I have misconfigured, but still a little annoying that it wouldn’t at least fall back to metadata search.
I just recently finished setting Immich with weekly encrypted backup to cloud storage. Really pleased with how it works, as it pretty much feels like an exact Google Fotos foss alternative. Only gribe is image search, but I’m sure its just me not using it correctly.
That surprised me a bit when I first used Mastodon. “Wait? Why can’t I log in? I just want to follow this person! Oh, right, have to go to my original server and do it from there”. New to Lemmy, but finding and following other communities feels much easier than on Mastodon.
Wanted a cool bootscreen on my Nixos machine - commented out the bootloader to troubleshoot, why my meme-boot-picture wouldn’t show - after rebooting, it loaded straight into the BIOS and finally realized what I had done… Was able to fix it thankfully