• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020

  • Yes, thank you, exactly. The centralized model has its benefits but it also can act as a single point of failure.

    If I was going to analyze from an engineering perspective I would focus on when these inevitable events occur due to human error do we have adequate tools to roll back updates? Do we snapshot OS drives before updates? Is there adequate Safe Mode or Fallback Tools to diagnose which files are offending in order to allow the user to remove them.

    In my view the windows user isn’t dignified to have the skills or intelligence needed to workaround a “setback” issue like the one yesterday.

    It doesn’t help that NTFS is missing modern capabilities, or that there isn’t easy to use DIFF for the layman to understand which files were added to the filesystem that may be causing the breakage.

    To be fair though even with those pot holes filled the entire design paradigm of Windows and a proprietary platform is part of the problem. Software is not broken up into package modules that can be assembled into a functioning system it is encumbered with “anti-piracy” boogie man where the software treats the user as an enemy and is designed to break.

    Linux isn’t like that. I’ve cloned many distro drives and swapped them into new machines and with 1 or 2 tweaks they JustWork

    I see many people on the net defending Microsoft as blameless for technical reasons.

    My criticisms were that Microsoft just sucks as you interpreted correctly and offered a eloquent summary. Thank You.

    Where I think the entire conversation should move is –

    What are the design flaws that allowed this to happen?

    “More Rust & Less C” I see some people suggest as this was allegedly a null pointer issue.

    And is Windows Broken By Design? My opinion answer - Yes.

    (Okay, and what to do about it before the next billion dollars is lost. I would think critical infrastructure should have a model similar to NixOS in immutability but that’s just my opinion.)

  • Every system has its faults. And I’m still going to dogpile the system with the most faults. But hell Microsoft did buy GitHub, Halo, MineCraft, and a million other things they will probably find a way to buy Linux and ruin it for us just like they ruin everything else.

    Let’s see, …we are somewhere in between Extend and Extinguish on the roadmap.

    Edit: Case & Point, RIP RedHat & IBM and GitHub CoPilot, what a great idea. RIP Atom Editor and probably a million other things. Do we have a KilledByMicrosoft website yet? I hope people in the pharmacy could get their prescriptions or we might have to add peoples names to the list.

  • My bad needed more coffee

    The prior verbiage threw me off.

    how do we distribute videos and watch them without data collection?

    So opinion answer to the latter. Opinion answer. Don’t ignore YouTube.

    Steam didn’t ignore Win32 and ask 10k devs to port to Linux. They partnered up with CodeWeavers, WINE and others to create Proton and it made the former task largely unnecessary.

    Expand federated video services to cache all videos they stream in case the original gets dunked on. And then at the same time grow the platform.

    A subsection of FOSS hates wealth, but people need to be able to lift themselves out of poverty, there has to be a profit motive and that profit has to largely go to the content creators.

    Without motives and incentives you can build the most beautiful codebase ever and it won’t take off.

    Mass censorship is coming, so platforms that don’t censor and host in countries where this is legally protected will have the advantage of growing new mega sites.