drhead [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2020


  • ben_garrison 
    kangaroo macropod mammal marsupial 
    2021 colored english_text hi_res lol_comments url 
    abdominal_bulge ambiguous_gender anthro armband australia australian_flag belly big_belly canton covid_quarantine deformed_face dialogue element_drop_shadow 
    evil_grin evil_look feet flag flag_(object) for_a_head fully_inside holding_belly holding_stomach hyper hyper_abdominal_bulge imprisonment landmark macro 
    medical_instrument medical_syringe nazi nazi_armband organs pecs political_cartoon politics pouch_(anatomy) pouch_vore prehensile_holding prehensile_tail 
    propaganda scientific_instrument smile solo speech_bubble stomach_zipper swastika syringe tail_holding_flag tail_holding_object text text_drop_shadow trapped 
    uluru vore what what_has_science_done where_is_your_god_now why zipping_up 

  • but postcolonial theory is decades old, why are they all acting like it’s something that only sprung up recently?

    because now people are applying it in ways that pose a very immediate and significant threat to western interests in the middle east, and discourse about how palestinians are somehow the colonizers didn’t stick, so the best move for maintaining western hegemony is to denounce it. up until now, ignoring it or paying small inconsequential lip service towards it was the better move (because jumping the gun on that would end up being received a lot like republican fearmongering about CRT), but that only remains the case as long as the material impact of it can be contained.

  • I am not an authority on US customs and travel regulations, don’t take my word as guaranteed to keep you out of trouble.

    That said, everything I see has told me that you can check a box saying you are going for “Support for the Cuban People”, and that and a visa (which Cuba is willing to do their part for) will get you in. You are not supposed to spend money at certain state owned enterprises and you are supposed to document what you do so that it is in-line with your reason for going, but it’s not like anyone actually checks that shit anyways, so realistically you are probably not going to get called out if you “support the Cuban people” with tourism money. It seems that the people who actually get fined for doing this are people making documentaries and shit, so you’re probably safe as long as you contain any latent instagram influencer urges. Tens of thousands of Americans visit every year and it seems only a couple dozen at most might get caught.

  • I remember making a thread about this a year ago.

    Honestly, even with the common pitfalls, I would still take specific sexualities over playersexual characters. Playersexual absolutely never feels authentic at all, it feels hollow and like I am just headcanoning the relationship. For me to feel like queer representation is done right, I honestly want it to reflect what actual lived experiences of queer people are, and that does include the fact that not everyone that I could be romantically attracted to will ever be able to reciprocate that feeling. It feels that much better when you actually do find someone who can. Why have I found VNs where gay people clearly outnumber the straights at least two-to-one (and where somehow homophobia still exists despite that???), that somehow still represent that experience better than the average video game? I can understand people wanting escapism and do somewhat enjoy having the extra selection from playersexual setups (I would be devastated if Halsin was strictly straight), but like, sometimes I just want an experience that is more relatable and cathartic. I’m also quite certain that most cishet game writers would probably assume playersexual is the default preference or the safer option so I feel comfortable pushing for characters having defined sexualities in hopes of getting a few games that do it well.

  • Using it for training data is one thing, but that’s not all that’s being claimed. Merely using it isn’t enough for it to be infringement because fair use can be a defense, and quite likely a viable one if it wasn’t spitting articles out verbatim. People already do use copyrighted data from news sites verbatim for making new products that do something different, like search engines, or for other things that are of significant public interest, like archival. People also do republish articles from news sites, with or without attribution. So for the basic case of copyright infringement by training, NYT has to show that what ChatGPT is doing is more akin to that than it is akin to what a search engine does in order to get something that sticks in court.

    They are, among other things, effectively asking for compensation as if people were using ChatGPT as an alternative to buying a NYT subscription, which is just the type of clown shit that only a lawyer could come up with. At the same time, they are also asking for compensation for defamation when it fails to reproduce an article and makes shit up instead. If this case keeps going, those claims are going to end up getting dismissed like a lot of the claims in the Andersen v. Midjourney/Stability AI/Deviantart case did. The lawyers involved know this, they’re probably expecting the infringement for training to stick and consider the others to be bonuses that would be nice to have. Probably also door-in-the-face technique as well.

    A settlement is probably more likely still, because at the end of the day OpenAI would much rather avoid going through what this case will require of them during discovery, and the most significant claim NYT has against them is literally demonstrating a failure mode of the model, which OpenAI will want to fix whether or not there’s copyright issues involved (maybe by not embodying the “STACK MORE LAYERS” meme so much next time). After that’s fixed, the rest of what NYT has against them will be much more difficult to argue in court.