• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • You’re not informing me of anything and none of what you just said disputes or argues against anything that I said. I am opposed to an abortion ban. I’m just pointing out that what you said is not accurate and is an exaggeration. This is meant to be a community of moderate, informed political discussion. You’re not being honest or representative about what the situation is.

  • I would and will never vote for Trump but what you’ve said is an exaggeration in many places and Trump has not even endorsed or promoted Project 2025. He is also on record stating that he won’t sign a federal abortion ban. You can stick to things he’s actually said to point out how bad he is. You don’t have to say things like “he shares values with Hitler” to try and scare people. By that standard, every Christian shares values with Hitler.

  • Patriotism and nationalism has zero place in society.

    Not true. Patriotism is wanting and seeking the best for your country. Because our society relies on those physical divides, patriotism would actually improve society. Nationalism is deciding that whatever your country is doing already is the best simply by virtue of self-identification. There is no desire for improvement outside of an individual perception so it, functionally, can never offer any improvement for society.

    One is potentially beneficial. The other is cancerous.