• 3 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024


  • this is only true at the very highest of levels and with very certain matchups (at least for league as that’s the one I’ve played), most players are like me and get bored playing the same champ over and over and so they will pick random champs they’re not good with, and even when they try to counterpick they don’t know the champ they’re playing well enough for it to be an actual counter if the other person plays the champ alot. Jayce was the only character I ever actually could main without getting bored, and I could beat every single one of his counter picks other than malphite (his only actual unplayable matchup that I permabanned), because they didn’t actually know how to play the counter-pick and weren’t comfortable with it, and so I could beat them, even though I was trash at jayce.

  • just bad matchups that made the games lopsided

    this is just a problem with league or any other game that has win more mechanics, by winning the early game it makes the mid and late game easier, putting the winning team in the drivers seat in terms of agency. Of course riot has put in ways to mitigate this, like bounties and some champs being better at different points in the game than others, but there’s a limit on what they can even do to fix it because it also feels horrible to dominate your opponent for half the game, make one mistake and then the game is on even footing or you’re now even behind, it’s just an inherent flaw to games like this. Counterstrike for example is technically never over, there’s a slight win-more mechanic in terms of the economy but ultimately you can come back from 12-0 to tie and win the game at a rate that league could never hope to match

  • I think skill is impossible to quantify

    objectively wrong, just because people cope about their own level of skill doesn’t mean you can’t easily make a system that will properly put players where they belong (also, because of needing to juice player retention due to capitalism many ranked systems have a goal of not only putting you in the right skill bracket but also making the experience addicting and frustrating, which helps cause the coping about individual skill). Now, the biggest problem with sbmm is that it struggles to properly rate your ability to be a teamplayer, because people who do best in supportive roles generally shine in an environment where you’re playing with the same people every game compared to random solo queue games where the easiest thing to measure is individual skill, and also the best way to ensure the highest winrate has a solo player throughout most of the player base is to improve your own skills enough to try and drag the team on your back as many games as you can.