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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • That’s understandable, but every complex situation requires a good deal of nuance. In this case, for example, not all Israelis are Zionists (anymore than all Palestinians are Hamas), and not even all Zionists (or Hamas) are “bad guys.” There are clearly some fucked up political agendas at work, and could well be more bad actors on one side than the other, and if you look close even “sides” become blurred. But there are definitely agents working to accentuate that distinction, and I don’t trust any of them. Which is different from saying all sides are the same. All I know is that war, greed, and power are all bad, and that good people are suffering, but beyond that I don’t know enough to take a public stand (though I’m working on some opinions).

    Edit: let me clarify. I’m not trying to be neutral either. When I see something happening in my immediate world, in front of me, I will say/act for the common good. But I’m not going to read something online, about a place I’ve never been, and take a public opinion about it. I trust that there are people there, in that place, that are doing what I would do, and I hope they succeed.

  • In October and November 2019, Dubinsky and Derkach gave several press conferences in Kyiv at which they claimed that based on an investigation by Kulyk, they had uncovered corruption and money-laundering schemes related to Burisma, a gas company which had future U.S. President Joe Biden’s son Hunter on its board of directors.

    Wait a minute. Are they saying that these people were paid by Russian agents? To Lie? For political purposes!? — why, I’ve never heard of such a thing.

  • His lawyer said:

    “It is a very dangerous proposition to hold someone criminally culpable and send them to prison without a finding that he or she ever acted in any way that he or she believed was against the law or wrong.” (emphasis on “believed” is mine)

    So, if I genuinely believe that banks have so much money it’s fine if I take a tiny bit, then it’s not illegal? Yeah, right.

  • Oh, come on now. “Uniparty” really… Let’s not forget how many different options the republicans give their voters: we have the outright amoral pathological liars, like Trump, and Santos, and maybe even the new speaker; and then we have the freedom clowns who want to “deconstruct the administrative state” and shut everything down. And if those don’t appeal, there’s the laws and order religious fanatics who want to ban books, and abortions, and gays, and stuff. And let’s not forget the traditional establishment, who want to get themselves and their overloads obscenely rich before the walls come down. Did I forget anyone?