• 29 Posts
Joined 17 days ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2024

  • However, this does not apply to US soil. One of the benefits of state sovereignty is that federal armed forces can’t operate on US soil

    From the Project 2025 wiki page:

    In November 2023, The Washington Post reported that deploying the military for domestic law enforcement under the Insurrection Act of 1807 would be an “immediate priority” upon a second Trump inauguration in 2025. That aspect of the plan was being led by Jeffrey Clark, a contributor to the project and a former official in the Trump Department of Justice (DOJ). Clark is a senior fellow at the Center for Renewing America, a Project 2025 partner. The plan reportedly includes directing the DOJ to pursue those considered by Trump as disloyal or a political adversary

  • Oh yeah they definitely have uses, but there’s a real tendency for people to go a bit crazy with them. Complex regexen aren’t exactly readable, there’s all kinds of fun performance gotchas, there’s sometimes other tools/algorithms that are more suitable for the task, and sometimes people try to use them to eg. parse HTML because they don’t know that it is literally impossible to use regular expressions to parse languages that aren’t regular

  • Also National Socialism means they were socialists, much like the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a democratic republic.

    It just shows a total lack of understanding of what the NSDAP platform was. Nazi Germany was a corporatist (in the political science sense) and authoritarian capitalist country, and they eg. specifically privatized a lot of functions that had been public before, absolutely loathed the idea of welfare or supporting “unworthy” people in any way, and were quite enthusiastically supported by business interests starting from their early years. Socialism, ie. social ownership of the means of production and strong public services, was about as opposite as can be to what the economics of fascism are, not to mention the social side. Fascists literally murdered sick or infirm people rather than support them, because weakness has to be weeded out of society.

    Like this contemporary caricature puts it, the NSDAP – the National Socialist German Workers’ Party – presented itself as the “Socialist Workers’ Party” when appealing to workers, and as the “National German Party” when appealing to “financially solvent circles”.

    All of this is just completely beyond many conservatives’ capability to internalize – understanding any of that would mean they’d have to think some very uncomfortable thoughts about their own ideology, and the vast majority of them are fundamentally incapable of that sort of self-reflection.

  • That sort of intellectual dishonesty just really fucking activates my almonds. Like, I have absolutely no problem with ignorance, because not knowing something doesn’t mean you’re stupid or let alone malicious, just that you haven’t had an opportunity to learn about it, but this sort of “well I looked into it and turns out that black is white and up is down” twaddle is just… argh.

    The reality of what Project 2025 is about is on full public display (they even have their own domain) and it’s so blatantly obvious that it’s essentially “institutionalized Trumpism”. Yeah there’s apparently been some friction lately, but anybody who thinks those people don’t fully back Trump is lying to themselves and others so much that it’s not even funny.

  • Pfft, woke cultural Marxist “scientists” controlled by BIG GOBERMENT tell you that asbestos causes cancer or that tiny pieces of plastic can make you sick, and you believe them? I’ll snort a rail of asbestos just to trigger the libs.

    But seriously speaking though, while yeah that was sarcastic as fuck, that’s essentially the world view behind why conservatives are increasingly detached from reality; anything “the left” (which, like I tend to quip, is apparently everyone left of the Strasserites nowadays) believes in is by default wrong because the left is wrong. The authorities, researchers etc. who say that CO2 emissions are a problem, or that drinking bleach or eating huge doses of dewormer won’t actually cure your COVID – which by the way you simultaneously believe to be a lie perpetrated by Jewish space lizards controlled by Bill Gates – are all “the left”, so those things just can’t be true

  • Yeah, non-conservatives (mainly liberals) really need to get it into their heads that every single conservative either actively wants an authoritarian state that murders “woke” people and minorities, or if they’re not outright for it they think that surely the leopards won’t eat their face because they’re on the right side.

    Ultimately even a “moderate” conservative has fewer disagreements with literal neo-Nazis (oh wait, except the Nazis are leftists according to reich-wingers) than they do with anybody left of the fucking Strasserites. Even if a conservative is not calling for the extermination of {CURRENT_HATED_MINORITY}, they’re still more than happy to support parties that either have fascist members or collaborate with fascists.

    This is on clear display here in Europe; the “moderate” conservatives are lining up to kiss Meloni’s ass, and they don’t mind at all that FdI (Meloni’s party) is a literal offshoot of the original Fascist Party and a huge percentage of their MPs and “lay members” have voiced their love of Mussolini.