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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Looks like a concrete floor there, which would generate dust, therefore this just can’t be a clean room by definition. If so they’ll probably just have to clean up the paint and maybe replace a few things and get on with it.
    The second action in the video, looks like putting expanding foam into the air filtration system, is much, much more damaging. That’s building infrastructure that will have to be torn out and rebuilt, which will shut down production for ages. A lot of people are going to be a lot of angry about this, and these two on camera are going to be hunted down and prosecuted.
    I don’t think shutting down production of warplanes that are already in service will do much to be honest. It won’t slow momentum of Israel’s genocide one iota. You could devastate the population of Gaza with WWII era planes, since they’re basically at this point just starving to death without electricity. So no need for F35s. I get that it’s a strong form of direct action but the actual effect it will have is minimal, and balanced with the risk to the protesters, it’s pretty low on the reward/risk scale.
    I think these two are morally in the right, but need to think more about how they can be effective.

  • crapwittynametoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldNecessities
    4 hours ago

    I read somewhere that eastern Asian populations lack a certain protein which helps metabolise alcohol, which was attributed to the fact that glass was not industrially developed and therefore distillation of alcohol wasn’t widespread and the genome never had to adapt to alcohol. Probably more to it than that and it’s outside my usual reading, but is there any truth to that? If so then not every culture invented moonshine.

  • The above comment is more applicable to itself than to the comment to which it refers, weirdly. It’s a sort of extra-ironic, self unaware recursion.
    Edit: your edit doesn’t fix anything. You claim the outrage is over nothing. I then explain what I think the outrage is over, you then claim that my explanation is somehow unrelated. You then edit, saying that people shouldn’t be outraged, because of an opinion you have. I’m getting an aggressive vibe from the way you are writing, so maybe it’s better not to engage with you, but at the same time I’m curious why this fairly dry, non divisive topic has you so vehement.

  • It’s not a productive discussion that’s needed though. The death penalty has been going on for four centuries in the US. That’s an awful lot of time for an awful lot of productive discussions, and yet innocent people are still being put to death by the machinery of the state. At this point we’re just tired of it.
    For the innocent victims of the death penalty, I imagine it feels like a regime. Like an inscrutable, bureaucratic behemoth, unable to change course even in the face of logic. It’s inhumane, it’s unreasonable. It’s a regime - an immovable set of arbitrary rules where no single individual has to take responsibility, and no individual human being’s decision can save you, even if you’re innocent. It’s a regime.

  • Fair play to you for posting that many comments. You’re putting the actual work in to make this place interesting. The best thing about you in my opinion, as opposed to a lot of active posters (here and elsewhere) is that you often disagree with the hive mind, and you stick to your guns. And I’ve seen you, on more than one occasion, actually, publicly change your fucking mind when you were presented with a persuasive argument. Lemmy, the Fediverse, and internet discussion in general, needs more like you. (Even if you were wrong about that one thing that time).
    To your health, Mr. Squid!

  • It means that Israel should stop committing war crimes. Specifically that Palestinians should be free, and not caged, oppressed and in perpetual fear for their lives in the geographic area which lies between the Jordan and the Mediterranean. The subject of the phrase is Palestinians; Israelis aren’t mentioned, let alone Jews. It’s not about oppression for your group, it’s about freedom for another. This is evidenced by the complete lack of references to Jews or genocide in the phrase itself. It’s very, very basic reading comprehension without any mental gymnastics necessary.