context [fae/faer, fae/faer]

  • 12 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2021


  • you seem lost, so i’ll explain:

    the governments they overthrew were compradors selling out their own people for some scraps from their french neocolonial overlords. the lands of niger, mali, and burkina faso are rich in gold, uranium, oil, and diamonds, and yet the people have lived like slaves. force was clearly justified if the previous governments were unwilling to cede power peacefully. they were suspended from ecowas at the obvious behest of france and the u.s., countries notable for their willingness (and outright glee) in using or abetting violence to effect regime change whenever it suits their own interests. let’s not pretend that the suspension was because of the coups, it was because the coup leaders are not obedient dogs of the empire.

    the win here is that they’re formalizing and solidifying an alliance against western imperialist theft of their natural resources and labor.

  • it’s a common misunderstanding and it’s actually something of an in joke with the fandom. there’s a really good edit someone made that basically changes the canonical order to be:

    The Mechanic (2010)

    The Mechanic II (2013)

    MECHANIC III: New Dawn (2022)

    The Mechanic 3 (2015)

    MECHANIC 2 (2020)

    MECHANIC (2019)

    The Mechanic: Revelations (2014)

    which works remarkably well. they actually brought back the original director from the first two the mechanic movies for new dawn, so stylistically it fits better even though it was made a decade later. the end result is a sort of rashomon version of the mechanic narrative. it’s really a must watch for mechanic fans.

  • All simulations are ultimately constrained by their creators’ assumptions: They are self-contained universes ticking along to preprogrammed logic. They don’t necessarily reflect anything fundamental about the world as it is, much less how we may want it to be.

    cereal1 exactly. the map is not the territory. no simulation could possibly capture the complexity of an entire neoliberal capitalist economy and predict the long-term equilibrium outcome of such a system.

    An artist named Vincent Ocasla, for instance, created a city with a stable population of 6 million. The only catch? It was a libertarian nightmare world. It had no public services—no schools, hospitals, parks, or fire stations. His dystopia had nothing but citizens and a concentrated police force populating an endless plain of one bleak city block, copied over and over.


  • Without a monopoly or oligopoly, high fixed cost + low marginal cost businesses almost always see prices competed down to marginal cost (e.g., airlines).

    true but the airline industry still consolidated into an oligopoly through control of their own currencies (redeemable miles)

    might see something similar with gpu computing where the nominal prices are driven down to marginal cost but the real profit comes from control of the supply of tokens that can be redeemed for gpu time

    but that still assumes there’s a real profitable use for this shit besides ever more individually targeted advertising and various flavors of outright fraud