An old shaman smoking on the porch, calling the blues down from the Siskiyous, and the Pineapple Express up through the Two Rock gap.
He/Him or She/Her depending on what tickles your fancy and mine at the time (but also respond to the more accurate its/it - always a delicious experience). I’ve been both depending on the particular circumstances of whichever consensual reality I’m participating in, and see no reason to choose.
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@Arotrios @Hotrod_Jesus Goddammit. There’s little on this earth that can make me cry these days, but re-watching this for the first time since I was a little kid got my face all wet. Fuck y’all. I’m not crying, you’re crying.
@Sasquatch on the hunt tonight, ey? Run silent and swift, great Che-ha-lum’che. Too few of your kind remain.
@livus Your poetry makes for an excellent lyrical basis for a ritual artwork I’ve been conceptualizing. Do you mind me using it?
Full accreditation to you as the poet, of course. Goblin Jane, aka @thewellandthetree, has crafted an excellent sigil here:
…that she’s graciously permitted me to use in crafting the ritual, and the combination with your words could be potent.
@Hotrod_Jesus understandable, but even demigods are at risk when they don’t follow proper ritual procedure. The last time I accidentally summoned a d’jinn without proper protection, it ended up dragging me from Joshua Tree all the way up to Seattle and back. If I hadn’t been lucky and stumbled across the grave of a forgotten goddess (Illipatae) in the Sisikyous, it’s likely I would be still wandering… or at the bottom of Crater Lake.
But yeah, I get it, you were a young man and mad at your dad and decided to get high and try to figure everything out. Negative entities love guys with chips on their shoulders - easy prey. I’d suggest you work on your personal issues with your father before attempting another summoning.
@Hotrod_Jesus So, you know what you did wrong, right? The fourth temptation, after the flame - when the satan / djinn appeared as a tree. You crossed over your protective circle to eat the fruit, leaving yourself open to the djinn’s possession, and ended up with a mouth full of blood and a date on the cross. The first rule of ritual magick club is we don’t cross the white line.
Remember folks, when on a vision quest, protection should always be your first consideration. Never break your protective circle, and for chrissake never ever eat anything presented by otherworldly beings. There’s a long tradition of would be visionaries lost when they decided it would be fun to go party with the pixies and hit the buffet.
@BuckarooBanzai Great song - thought you’d dig the original that @REEL just posted: