writes about games @ on computer games

owner/admin of the federated blog instance howdoyouspell.cool; feel free to sign up if you’re interested in writing/blogging.

also on mastodon

  • 58 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 16th, 2023


  • forrest@lemmy.worldOPtoKeep Writing@lemmy.worldThe Egg [episodic novel]
    1 month ago

    i have changed some bits of both chapters already, actually. but it was merely grammatical stuff. i do very extensive editing before i post a chapter, which is part of the reason it takes me so long to release new chapters. i do have a slight fear of “getting stuck” because i committed to a certain plot point or character quirk in an earlier chapter (and i don’t plan to make changes of this nature retroactively), so, in this way, i’m sorta bound by what i have already released, which is an interesting limitation to say the least.

    *and i appreciate your interest!

  • regarding the Trump thing? favorably, IF it led to better outcomes, of course, and this is touched on in the piece too. the essay is pacifistic, however; it relies on the golden rule to say, “hey i might want trump dead but i’m not going to kill trump because i wouldn’t want someone to do that to me in the event that they wanted me dead and if more people adopted this outlook then we would be better off.” i was channeling some sort of naive peace-loving spirit when writing this, maybe. (i don’t actually believe the spirit thing lol, only trying to get a certain idea across.)

    some people on the left have been joking about Trump dying for years but now they’re all “this sort of violence is unacceptable!” let’s not pretend we didn’t want this to happen on some level. i value being honest about one’s self and motivations. we can admit that we wouldn’t mind seeing Trump dead whilst simultaneously being like “but it might not be the best idea to kill Trump.” it’s important to note that Trump has made many many people feel threatened, and that if anyone should be charged for inciting Trump’s assassination, it should be Trump himself.

  • i feel like NOVA here is being a little inflammatory to rile up some sort of discussion, which attracts some unconstructive feedback but also some rather constructive feedback too (like your post). so, i appreciate you putting in the time to engage with this dumb DRAGON (i say this as affectionately as possible).

    maybe the criticism comes down to a matter of moderation. yes, there is certainly a point where playing computer games is probably very much so very very like capital-S capital-B Super Bad; the hikkomori-likes, who play constantly and do not much else while nasty dishes and trash piles up around them, for example; however, if it were not computer games – it would be something else. it seems, however, that computer games have a propensity to get people hooked much easier than, say, reading books. BUT! to say all computer gaming is a waste of time really begs the question as to “well, what isn’t a waste of time?” and, in some cases (like you outlined) it can actually help people. a pinch of awareness is all one needs to determine if gaming is PERSONALLY bad for them AT THE MOMENT, and if you determine PERSONALLY that “maybe i should be focusing on my work instead of playing this computer game right now” then, AT THAT MOMENT, gaming is a bad choice. game later.

  • forrest@lemmy.worldMtoon computer games@lemmy.worldYou Are Wasting Your Time
    3 months ago

    you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real. you are not real.

  • lol, someone did actually report this thread for “breaking commuinity rules,” but it wasn’t you.

    (for the record, this breaks no rules.)

    (disclaimer: the term “computer games” in this context means literally any video game; “computer games” is what grandma says when she tells you to “stop playing those damn computer games and go outside!”)