• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • That’s the fun part of far side.

    When you don’t immediately get it you have to wonder:

    1. Is it a reference to something at the time that’s not within my lifetime/country’s zeitgeist?

    2. Is it a play on an idiom or common cliche?

    3. Is it literally nonsense and absurdity for the sake of it?

    4. Am I just a big dummy?

    I think it might be just 3, i.e. the absurdity of this happening at all, that he’s concerned about the coconuts without realising/or being concerned that his head is sprouting a palm tree, and that Margaret seems irritated that he’s woken her for what her expression suggests is either an incident of his own making, or one that’s trivial.

    But his body looks weird so it could be 2, ‘no man is an island’ or something.

    I’m in my late 30s and Australian so it could be 1.

    It’s never 4.

  • I have a cold virus at the moment. Home test confirmed it wasn’t Covid, influenza a/b or RSV. So just a bug. It’ll run its course and I’ll be ok soon.

    I feel pretty bloody ordinary but not as bad as I did when I got Covid when I couldn’t stand up for more than 45 min at a time due to fatigue. Or the only time I’ve had influenza A which absolutely rocked me and necessitated a hospital visit for fluids.

    I’ve not had cause to leave the house since I became symptomatic but I need to tomorrow. I’m going to wear a mask and keep my distance as much as possible. I was reflecting that a few years ago I would have gone to work in my office. I would have justified it as ok because I feel like I’m on the tail end of the illness and can probably handle going in, even if I feel like shit.

    And my workplace would have also expected that. So bizarre to think about.