• 135 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • so what’s the point of delaying?

    In the best case the offending process actually does shut down cleanly before the time is up. Like, some databases like redis keep written data in memory for fast access before actually writing the data to disc. If you were to kill such a process before all the data is written you’d lose it.

    So, admins of servers like these might even opt to increase the timeout, depending on their configuration and disc speed.

  • I mean, generally I liked her. But I think she would have been better in the social party. She was an expert at making absolutely everything sound good and deflected any and all criticism. But under her government absolutely nothing got done. And now the new government is slowly trying to fix stuff and it’s getting more and more apparent what is broken so they get the blame.

    In general I think the left hate her because she’s too right and the (far) right hate her because she’s too left. “Danke Merkel” has become a meme similar to “thanks Obama”.

  • Nur weil es angezeigt werden muss heißt es nicht, dass es nicht strafbar ist. Siehe § 185 Strafgesetzbuch. Du kannst bis zu ein Jahr für Beleidigung ins Gefängnis kommen. Wobei ich mich echt frage was für eine Beleidigung das ist. Unterhosentoilettentieftaucher mit Arschbackenbeleuchtung?

  • Fake news.

    Both Windows and Linux have their respective SIGTERM and SIGKILL equivalents. And both usually try SIGTERM before resorting to SIGKILL. That’s what systemd’s dreaded “a stop job is running” is. It waits a minute or so for the SIGTERM to be honoured before SIGKILLing the offending process.