Bistable multivibrator
Non-state actor
Tabs for AI indentation, spaces for AI alignment
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • AWS is only tolerated because product managers ask for it, not because engineers like it; AWS is shit.

    Yes, but the competition is hardly much better. Well, maybe Google is, I didn’t touch it much back when I still did public cloud stuff. Azure leads with “look, our VPS offering is called ‘Virtual Machines’ instead of ‘EC2’, isn’t that simple?” and then proceeds to make everything even clunkier and more complicated than AWS. And don’t get me started on the difference in technical and customer support from the two.

    There is no moat.

    You keep reiterating this, but I still need you to explain the implications. Ok sure, you can run a model on a home computer. Nonwithstanding that those models still amount to overhyped novelty toys, home computers are also capable of running servers, databases, APIs, office suites, you name it. Still, corporations and even consumers are renting these as SaaS and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future.

    The AI fad is highly hype driven, so there’s still incentive to be the one who trains the latest, biggest and shiniest model, and that still takes datacenters’ worth of specialized compute and training data. LLM-based AI is an industry built on FOMO. How long until that shiny new LLM torrent you got from 4chan is so last season?

    And the OP is correct. Llama is not open source. “The neighbors” only took it from Meta in the same sense warez sites have taken software forever. Only in this case the developer was the one committing the copyright infringement.

  • I’m almost surprised Yud is so clueless about election systems.

    He’s (lol) supposedly super into math and game theory so the failure mode I expected was for him to come up with some byzantine time-independent voting method that minimizes acausal spoiler effect at the cost of condorcet criterion or whatever. Or rather, I would have expected him to claim he’s working on such a thing and throwing all these buzzwords around. Like in MOR where he knows enough advanced science words to at least sound like he knows physics beyond high school level.

    Now I have to update my priors to take into account that he barely knows what an electoral system is. It’s a bit like if the otherwise dumb guy who still seems a huge military nerd suddenly said “the only assault gun worse than the SA80 is the .223”. For once you’d expect him to know enough to make a dumb hot take instead of just spouting gibberish but no.