@ValueSubtracted I think my ramblings up there are my process of arriving where you already are.
“Make Kelvin 4” is at least a plan, and there’s an audience that would like more. Would I watch it, sure. Would I care if it never gets made…not really.
But when they start throwing these other movie ideas around, I don’t see a purpose. And people will say what they will about Kurtzman’s tenure as TV Trek overlord, but at least everything there had a purpose (whether one agrees with it or not).
@usernamefactory @startrek I don’t know if I agree with that premise. I’ve run into any number of people who became Trek fans in general by starting with Kelvin.
That said, I don’t know that breaking the movies into *more* timelines is a great idea.
And I personally would be skeptical that anything from the proposed movies would ever turn into a TV series. They are really operating in separate spaces right now. And P+ is shedding series faster than they’re adding them.