• 16 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • “Everyone knew by then that such vehicles could be carrying kidnapped civilians or soldiers,” a source in Southern Command told Haaretz. “There was no case in which a vehicle carrying kidnapped people was knowingly attacked, but you couldn’t really know if there were any such people in a vehicle. I can’t say there was a clear instruction, but everyone knew what it meant to not let any vehicles return to Gaza.”

    Is that why there were so many charred cars? It never really added up to me- Hamas had no aerial capabilities (unless you count hang gliders), no tanks, RPGs are single use, and yet there were tons of blown up cars.

  • “They cook leaves in water and spices. Even using the water is risky, because there’s no power to run the desalination plants.”

    “Solar power is no longer available in Gaza either. Israeli drones have systematically targeted every solar panel on every roof across Gaza. They want people to lose hope and starve,” he continued.

    Issa explained that people believe expired canned foods, when made available in Gaza, are making their children sick. This has led some to try to avoid such foods for fear that they would not be able to get treatment for their kids should they fall ill, given that northern Gaza no longer has any health system to speak of.

  • Sharply more Americans than 20 years ago say antisemitism is a very serious problem, as Jewish Americans’ reports of poor treatment exceed those of other faith groups.

    It seems like the Jewish Americans are just reporting it more.

    The number of hate crimes reported to police in the nation’s 10 largest cities rose again in 2023, according to preliminary data released Friday from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University.

    New York and Los Angeles saw some of the largest increases in anti-Jewish hate crimes, rising 12.6% and 48% respectively, while Los Angeles and Chicago saw 40% and 300% increases in anti-Muslim hate crimes, according to the study.

  • a person who I’m fairly certain was not a Jew themselves, actually declared me not Jewish because I live in the U.S. Which is just another form of antisemitism.

    Antisemitism (or, more accurately, ‘Judeophobia’) is being bigoted against someone because they are Jewish. What that person said to you was not antisemitism, it was just stupid.

    Overusing and misusing (sometimes intentionally- à la Israel) that accusation dilutes it’s severity and makes people more likely to handwave actual incidents of discrimination and bigotry, which is not good my Squid.