barooboodoo (he/him)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • They are of course, >!troonism!< & DEI is 5th generation asymmetric warfare against our supply lines. However, wars are won by logistics. Fighting any little skirmish along front lines in tertiary theaters is a strategical blunder that is bound to distract & avert and ultimately tire out before hot engagement has even begun. And precisely that is factored into the plans of the adversary already. It is critical to understand that we are at a huge strategical disadvantage at the current state of the war. We have neither the troops nor the supplies to enact an assault along the entire front line.

    Instead, in order to achieve operational dominance we must establish a schwerpunkt along critical infrastructure of the enemy from which we can effectively pivot into offensive operations. The fulcrum is not the internet and certainly not computer games, as much as I understand that many like to believe they are, but [TOP SECRET]. A thrust along this axis penetrating enemy lines would immediately disrupt the adversary’s command and control over our supply lines and cause a cascading effect of disarray.

    By maintaining operational momentum we would be able to facilitate rapid exploitation of the breach achieving breakthrough, ultimately enveloping enemy forces and securing our most important strategic objectives for the moment.

    I mean… what do you even say after reading something like this. It’s fucking embarrassing.

  • Since nobody is taking your question seriously I’ll give you my two cents. I’m a little under six hours in, I’m enjoying it so far. It’s not going to blow your mind gameplay design wise but I feel it’s more competently made than comments make it seem. The shooting is fine but you can do a lot of fun stuff with your little alien companion. Graphics look good to me with some jank here and there. Voice acting is good. One thing I think they did well is quest design, you can find them by reading data pads lying around, eavesdropping on conversations, exploring, etc. I haven’t even really gotten into the ship combat but that’s gotten some positive feedback online too. Let me know if you have any questions, I’m happy to answer.

  • So as long as we’re speculating, what reason does the IBA have for not releasing the results of their test then? Are you even a fan of women’s combat sports? What about her performance leads you to believe a woman without DSD couldn’t achieve it? It’s also kind of obvious why the IOC went out of their way to say she’s not trans, hint hint it has something to do with where she’s from. But ultimately I want you to recognize there’s no evidence one way or the other on if she has DSD.