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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023

  • What kind of nonsense question is that? These candidates both don’t have near majority support (polls of head to heads are not measuring that) and there’s no reason to have a different system if two hypothetical candidates actually did. Most people did not want this rematch in the first place.

    If you have a situation where say there appeared to be two likely dominant candidates, but one crashes and burns spectacularly, other voting systems wouldn’t cause a default decision for their single opponent. And the people who thought Joe Biden was too old from the very beginning could already be supporting their replacement. Hell, we could just have all these potential replacements already competing and work it out in voting.

  • Biden’s already been losing the base. I think just changing away from his does wonders for base motivation. No messy questions around Gaza, no age hanging over us, a new voice able to say “we’ll do something different” for things that aren’t going well.

    Plus then we can hammer Trump for being old and incoherent. He wasn’t good at the debate (or all his nonsense stream of consciousness speeches), but Biden’s jumbled speeches (before this) didn’t give us a good footing to be much harsher toward it. “Democrats have chosen a new nominee who will actually be alive in 10 years, Republicans are stuck with an elderly man who slurs his words, forgets things, and talks nonsense about getting eaten by sharks”.

  • This is more time than most countries campaign seasons and the overwhelming rallying cry hasn’t be “Biden”, it’s been “stop Trump”. Either Harris will take over and there will be no meaningful fracturing because a vote for Biden is already effectively a vote for President Harris or we’ll have a rush primary among mostly moderate options, which will limit how riled up people can get about any of them. I’m not particularly excited by any of the proposed options, but even the one I like the least will make me much more confident than keeping with Biden and waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    It’s not ideal, but Joe Biden will lose, so not ideal is a step in the right direction.

  • All the best Russian influence agents join servers that are in close proximity to their office. I moved from lemmy.world to sopuli after .world’s performance was unreliable because they seemed to have a reasonable block list and were in the goldilocks zone of neither too big nor too small. And my mastodon account is hosted on an EU server because I don’t think the US has good data privacy rules. Turns out internet services still work when it’s overnight in their home time zone.

  • Well that sure instills confidence! He’s good as long as he doesn’t have any events at night or need to work late. This is fine for an elective job, where an old person has a task that will take 50 hours performed whenever they feel up to it, not for a candidate. All these excuses are just other ways in which he’s not fit to be candidate. Can’t change time zones within a WEEK of an event? Can’t schedule anything after 8 pm? Cancel if he’s got a cold (one of those colds that make you incoherent but involve no coughing or sniffling)?

    We shouldn’t be rolling the dice with an increasing list of restrictions needed for Biden to be up for public interaction.

  • If something illegal cannot be official then this protection never applies. Someone would prosecute him for an illegal act, he’d invoke the defense of doing an official act, and then the judge would say “but the conduct you’re being prosecuted for is illegal, so if you did it, it couldn’t have been an official act and immunity does not apply”.

    And again, none of the justices on either side of the ruling are making this absurd and nonsensical claim.