YEP [he/him]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2022


  • I want the Dems to at the bare minimum not lay out the red carpet for even greater fascistic elements in the US, my friends, family, and most of the people I care about are here. I don’t think that is a bad thing to want or advocate for. I don’t think most of his audience are fans of the democrats. As for the squad I think its really telling how all of the left Indy media (hasan, chapo, war nerd ect.) had Ryan grim on to talk about his new book on the squad. The book did not paint many of the squad members in a good light. The most wrong take hasans on foreign policy is on xinjiang , but he tempers it by dunk on zenz and the most outrageous claims usually. He is in the right on Taiwan, Cuba, Iran, Palestine. My gut reaction is usually if someone gets called a Tankie by libs they are prob closer to right than wrong.

    Then again when the competition in streaming is genocidaires like destiny or cia pedos like vaush he seems really reasonable. agony-immense

    I am gonna put myself in posting jail for knowing about streaming drama. Real 🤡 moment for me.

  • The nyt investigation is really thorough in proving that the Russians did kill a number of civilians. When I say it’s convincing like there are videos of some of the killings along with cell records and eyewitness testimony. I am always skeptical of eyewitness stuff but the rest holds up on its own imo. I seems it was probably revenge killings by a the russian unit that had one of their elements ambushed the week before. I personally haven’t seen a lot of compelling evidence against their case.

    I think the thing to push back on is there is no evidence that it was part of a systemic pattern of massacres. I think the genocide in Palestine really highlights the difference between brutal awful war and systemic crimes against humanity and genocide.

  • I should have been more thorough in my explanations as to not have caused confusion, sorry. Many of these points are not the blunt messaging you see by the most bad faith arbitrators of anti semitism like the adl. I am asserting that the points that are explained here are what is used to underpin many of the bad faith arguments. As an example the argumentation in point 4 is how pro Zionist arguments couch their criticism of the “river to the sea” rallying cry. They equate the abolition of the state of Israel with the expulsion and death of all Jews in Palestine. This is the same way white south Africans painted calls to push “settlers into the sea” obviously we both know there was no white genocide in South Africa.

    The other example of the conflation and misrepresentation of Sephardic and mizrahi and native Palestinian Jews underpins much of the claims elsewhere about indgeneity. I brought it up because arguments about indgeneity are absolutely used by people who seek to act as wreckers.

    And what you calling out it’s outright misrepresentations and lies with a " fine tooth comb" is important. (An aside, I knew it was wrong before looking where they got it, it wasn’t some sort of deep investigation, it’s a Tumblr post, I assumed they used Wikipedia and I was confirmed by just opening the demographics of Israel page on Wikipedia.) It is not bad faith to point out when the author is either uninformed or lying. I couch this entire argument with the argument of a secular state because your right it doesn’t matter. I’m not the one bringing up the point of demographics they are. The fact they are ignorant or worse willingly lie about that argument we both agree doesn’t matter should make you skeptical of what they are saying.

    Point 3 just drops that people are using anti semitic tropes then pivots to some other point yet again about demographics that is misunderstanding what they are reading from Wikipedia. When they claim “American Israelis only make up about 5% of the Israeli population” In a point about being expelled, again in a secular state we agree they shouldn’t be expelled(insert borders are fuck emote), they are conflating American born with Americans. I made my point on Irish citizenship because if you are born to an American parent you are American through birthright. The five percent figure they use is not a figure tied to the point they are trying to make.


    I mean like c’mon point 6 in that Tumblr post is literally "if you replace Zionist with jew you sound anti semitic"smuglord

    Sorry if this is all over the place I’m a bad writer and I’m struggling to figure out to format this to adress both your comments.

  • I mean it just a factually wrong post that misrepresents what it cites. The majority of Jews in Israel are not indigenous. Yes there are native Palestinian Jews. I’ve seen this conflation of Sephardic Jews and Mizrahi Jews multiple times verbatim now. It central to the claim that they are indigenous people. Idk if it’s just lack of understanding or a purposeful obfuscation. The 31% Ashkenazi number that they reference I assume they saw from Wikipedia that puts ‘soviet’ Jews in their own category.

    The part about not having a place to return to I feel is an over simplification of how citizenship works. I can claim and get Irish citizenship if I do enough paperwork bc of my family heritage. It doesn’t make me a active passport holder. It also shouldn’t matter there would obviously have to be land reform but I don’t think any one with listening to is advocating for the expulsion of all Jews. Look to south Africa whites were not expelled, although they didn’t do land reform correctly.

    The first point just sounds like every propagandized response to “river to sea”. It conflates a free singular state of Palestine with a state that would not tolerate Jews. The only principled solution is one secular state that allows free practice of religion and doesn’t discriminate based on racial lines. I’ve noticed this trend with Ukraine but western liberals actually believe every state must be an ethnostate.