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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • The company with more wageslaves of course. I’m sure valve employees are paid very well. Yeah Gabe Newell is a billionaire and I’m not defending that, he should definitely be paying more in taxes. As they all should. But the way valve runs things is their business as a private corporation and I’m tired of seeing the being tore down for no apparent reason lately. Lots of better targets. It seems motivated by something larger behind he curtain and I don’t like being manipulated.

  • Honestly nobody is really talking about this much except for loud online spaces and the media. The everyday person like today at work would rather talk about video games and the like. We talked about it a bit at work but then we mostly talked about Shadow of the Erd Tree. The world is so crazy these days we’re all desensitized. It’s just another shooting in America.

  • Rentals should be owned by the city and the rent they collect should go to maintaining the property and towards new housing developments for the same city. Done. I did it. You could even leave the housing market alone as far as buying and selling houses and everything would still probably work out just fine.

    Maybe we shouldn’t have private apartment complexes just like we shouldn’t have private prisons.