• 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Werde vielleicht ein mal pro Stunde zu unrecht angepiepst.

    Das ist schon einmal zu viel. Mein letztes eigenes Auto hatte noch nicht so einen technischen Schnickschnack. Immer wenn ich mir jetzt ein Auto von Freunden leihe oder mir einen Mietwagen nehme, piept mich irgendwas völlig unvermittelt während der Fahrt an und lenkt mich vom Verkehr ab, was richtig gefährlich sein kann.

    Noch schlimmer sind nur die (un)smarten Systeme, die dann sogar aktiv in die Fahrzeugführung eingreifen, zum Beispiel Spurassistenten, die einer Spur folgen wollen, die gar nicht existiert (und mich damit beispielsweise in einer Autobahnbaustelle in einen neben mir fahrenden LKW reinlenken wollte).

    Dieser Scheiß ist brandgefährlich und gehört verboten.

  • Thankfully TOS never did any fantasy stuff like galactic barriers, Trelane, massive green hands in space, or Abraham Lincoln. That wouldn’t have been true to Gene’s vision.

    I’m not a fan of Disco either, but tardigrades and time bugs are really low on my list of complaints. Star Trek did lots of even whackier stuff over the last 60 years (or did everyone forget the “Fun with DNA” episodes of the 90s?). In fact, that time bug episode was probably the best 32nd century Disco episode. Which is a low bar, but anyway.

  • This was … a DISCO episode.

    Lengthy but meaningless action sequences? Check. Shaky cams all the damn time? Check. People talking about their feelings at the worst possible moment? Check. No apparent command structure and people just doing whatever they want? Check. One-dimensional villains? Check. Flamethrowers on the bridge? Check. (although, to be honest, those are so absurd that I’ll actually miss them)

    I liked the future scenes because they were noticably slower and cerebral than pretty much anything that Discovery did during its five seasons. I wish they would have done something like that more often.

    But yeah, that’s it. I’m somewhat glad it’s over. I liked the first two seasons of the show. Despite their flaws I appreciated that they’ve tried something new in the Star Trek franchise. And ultimately that led to Strange New Worlds, so I’ll have to give them credit for that. Anything after the season 3 time jump was not my cup of tea though. There was never enough worldbuilding for my taste because so much screentime was devoted to Burnham and Book, and that meant that the 31st century never really felt “real” to me.

    Maybe I’ll rewatch seasons 1 and 2 somewhere down the line but I have no interest in watching seasons 3-5 again. I’ll just treat them as Burnham’s fever dream or something like that.

  • Our thinking was the Breen as sort of a natural species were bifurcated in the sense that they can be both gelatinous and solid in that sense. But the solid state takes an intense amount of focus and concentration in order to maintain. […] And then as they developed the refrigeration suits, they lost the need for that both evolutionarily and culturally, and it became a sort of cultural anathema. You don’t show people your solid face because that means you’re weak. It means you’re stupid. It means you’re slow.

    I still don’t get it. It doesn’t really make sense to me. If it takes a lot of focus and concentration to maintain the solid form, why is one considered weak for doing so?

    Breen ship! We’ve never seen the inside

    Technically we’ve seen a holding cell inside a Breen ship in DS9.