Torenico [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2020


  • ANOTHER DAY IN ancaptain , ANOTHER ancaptain BANGER

    Caputo confirms Argentina has moved some of its gold overseas

    The economy minister also said that Argentines would have to sell their U.S. dollars to pay taxes during an interview

    Economy Minister Luis Caputo has confirmed that Argentina’s Central Bank has moved at least part of its gold overseas after the leader of the bank workers’ union made a public information request on the matter. The minister also said that Argentines would have to sell their U.S. dollars to pay taxes.

    Sell your dollars, which provide a safeguard against inflation and is one of the few ways to save money today, TO PAY TAXES. THE LIBERTARIANS ARE SAYING WE SHOULD ELIMINATE OUR PERSONAL RESERVES TO PAY TAXES.

    “It is a very positive move by the Central Bank,” Caputo said in an interview with TV channel La Nación + on Friday. “Having gold in the Central Bank is like having real estate — you can’t use it for anything. If you have it overseas, you can get returns [on it].”

    (We don’t know where our gold reserves went)

    Caputo did not specify how much gold had been sent, to which bank, or the kind of operation.

    Some who work in the financial and banking sectors say that the reserves were sent to the UK as some sort of “guarantee” to a loan we took years ago and never paid back.

    On Monday, the leader of the bank workers’ union, Sergio Palazzo, filed a public information request in response to rumors “regarding the outflow of gold from the Central Bank’s reserves destined for abroad,” as he posted on X. Palazzo, who is also a Peronist deputy, requested “public, clear, precise, complete and detailed” information from the Central Bank’s head, Santiago Bausili.

    Sources in the Central Bank did not provide further information to the Herald, adding that they would answer directly to Palazzo’s request.

    The Central Bank owns 61 tonnes of gold, valued at about US$4.5 billion.

    Argentina is facing international litigation in Europe for billions of dollars. Plaintiffs in those cases could not legally seize the gold overseas because the lawsuits are against the Republic of Argentina, rather than the Central Bank, legal specialists told the Herald. However, the hedge funds suing Argentina could file a legal request for the gold, even if it is not granted, a source said.

    It is not the first time gold has been sent abroad. During Mauricio Macri’s presidency in 2017, the Central Bank — then led by the current Deregulation Minister Federico Sturzenegger — sent US$462 million worth of gold to London. Part of it was brought back under Alberto Fernández’s administration in 2021.

    Selling dollars

    The day prior, Caputo made another controversial statement. He said that the government plans to make the peso “a strong currency” by stopping its issuance. “Reality will prove that soon people will have to sell dollars to pay taxes and the peso will be the strong currency!” the minister wrote in a post on X.

    Former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner questioned Caputo. “What did you say, Mr. Minister?” she asked. “Wasn’t it that taxes were state theft, the peso was excrement, and the dollar the currency that you were going to give to Argentines…?” she wrote, listing the government’s remarks on the peso and promises of dollarization.

    Caputo made another post on X, answering economist Pablo Bortz, who questioned the minister “celebrating” people having to use up their savings in U.S. dollars to pay taxes. “Since taxes are paid in pesos, if you have savings in pesos today and you dollarize them, later you will have to sell them again to pay taxes,” Caputo said. “It is very simple. You don’t need to be an economist to understand it, let alone have a PhD. Regards.”


    The saga continues and Argentina digs itself deeper into the “RACISM IS COOL AND GOOD” trench. Following the incident where football player Enzo Fernandez livestream showed part of the team chanting a racist song against black french players, which then apologized via Instagram (super easy thing to do after all), and the intervention of both milei and his VP, now the absolute icon and star of the libertarian movement, the Deputy Lilia Lemoine, makes her brilliant contribution:

    LA NACION: Lilia Lemoine said that France is “a white country” and demonstrated “shock” that its football team is “entirely colored”

    The LLA deputy gave her opinion on Enzo Fernández’s songs on the national team’s bus and celebrated Garro’s expulsion; linked football, immigration and political movements such as Brexit.

    The scandal over racist and homophobic chants by players of the Argentine national team continued to escalate and ended with the dismissal of the now former Undersecretary of Sports Julio Garro for asking Lionel Messi to apologize to France. The deputy of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) Lilia Lemoine referred to this fact and defended the Government’s decision to dismiss the official for his statements. “How are you going to ask someone who is almost a national hero to kneel and ask for forgiveness?” she questioned.

    In her argument, Lemoine considered it “striking” that the French soccer team was “entirely colored”, since - in her opinion - it is “a Western and white country.”

    This is how she expressed it: “It is true that the French team is entirely black. Although there are a huge number of French people who are of African origin, it is very striking that a country that is Western and white currently has a football team that would rather be from an African country.”

    Her comments - erroneous, since France’s squad in the recent Euro Cup is multiracial - aim to validate the song that midfielder Enzo Fernández played on an Instagram live after the Copa América final, with phrases like "they play in France but they are all from Angola.” Fernández, questioned by his English club (Chelsea) and by the French Federation, apologized in writing after the video was broadcast.

    Lemoine said that due to “massive immigration” phenomena such as Brexit are occurring. “It is a serious issue. There is something underlying that explodes on the football side,” he said.

    In dialogue with TN, the national legislator assured that Argentines “are not racist people,” but that the folklore of national football has questionable points. “Argentines and football never behaved very correctly. Let us remember that during [Diego] Maradona’s funeral the fans took over the Casa Rosada," he highlighted and noted: “To think that an Argentinian is going to be rational while playing football or giving his opinion about football is crazy, it is not going to happen.”

    Kinda wild how these responses come from the freedom-loving libertarians lmao. Straight up fascists.

    They’re anti-europe when they see black people, they’re not anti-europe their elites come charging at us with the IMF or mining companies, for example.

    And who is this piece of shit you ask? Well, Lemoine is a 40 years old anime cosplayer who believes that the Earth is flat, we’ve never been to the moon and some whacky shit about abortion. She’s also in charge of some scientific committee or something like that. She’s big in the cosplaying circles, she managed like a group of cosplayers (or still does, I dunno). I personally know someone who worked in the cosplaying industry and told me she’s a massive piece of shit, always covering men accussed of sexually abusing female cosplayers.

    She once lost a cosplaying competition to a 11 years old girl and then threw a tantrum, sending her fans to harass her and her family online for this.

    It becomes necessary to separate her head from the rest of her body. French style, even. There’s no redemption for people like these, nada.

  • When I was a kid I used to spend my weekends at my Grandparent’s home in the Buenos Aires district of Lanús. Back then, the district’s governor was Manuel Quindimil, one of the “Barons of the Conurbano” strongmen, all aligned with the Federal Peronist movement (he took charge in like 1983 and left in 2007 lmao). Every sunday morning had a fucking Cessna fly over where we lived with loudspeakers blasting pro-Quindimil propaganda. Every. Sunday. Morning.

    This fucking airplane and it’s circus loving loudspeaker takes me back to 2000… (not sure if that’s a good thing lol)

  • New sixty million years old demon candidate for president with dementia just dropped:

    FRANCE 24: Alberto Fujimori, former Peruvian leader, to run for presidency in 2026, daughter says

    Fighting ongoing health issues and a checkered past, former president Alberto Fujimori will run for office in Peru’s 2026 elections, his daughter said Sunday. Fujimori has three convictions on corruption charges and owes about $15 million to the Treasury, according to the Attorney General.

    Former President Alberto Fujimori, who was pardoned in December from his convictions for corruption and responsibility for the murder of 25 people, plans to run for Peru’s presidency for the fourth time in 2026, his eldest daughter said Sunday. “My father and I have talked and decided together that he will be the presidential candidate,” Keiko Fujimori, leader of the right-wing Fuerza Popular party, said on social networks.

    Despite the announcement, Peruvian law says anyone found guilty of acts of corruption cannot run for the office of president or vice president.

    (Not that this ever matters lmao)

    Fujimori, who was convicted in 2009 of involvement in the killing of 25 Peruvians during his administration in 1992, has three convictions on corruption charges and owes about $15 million to the Treasury, according to the Attorney General’s Office specializing in corruption crimes. The former president was extradited from Chile in 2007 and was in a Peruvian prison until last December.

    Fujimori, 85, joined his daughter’s party in June, posting a video of the event in which he is seen with Keiko Fujimori along with the phrase: “The founding leader of Fujimorism takes his place in Fuerza Popular.”

    Keiko Fujimori, 49, has herself run for president three times unsuccessfully. On July 1, a trial began against her on allegations of money laundering for which the prosecution is seeking a sentence of 30 years in prison.

    Alberto Fujimori, who governed with an increasingly authoritarian hand in 1990-2000, has begun to rebuild his image on social networks since being released from prison in December under a 2017 presidential pardon that was revived by Peru’s Constitutional Court.

    Fujimori reported in May that he had been diagnosed with a new tumor on his tongue that was considered malignant. In July, he underwent hip replacement surgery after a fall, his daughter said.

    We in South America are trapped in a perpetual nightmare we can’t seem to wake up from.

  • Here’s a bit of news that have been circulating around the football world like wildfire lately. But first things first CW: Racism and Transphobia.

    Argentina won it’s second consecutive Copa America trophy a few days ago, and during the post-match celebrations, midfielder Enzo Fernandez turned on an Instagram live stream to show them. Players and staff were chanting football songs during the celebrations, but at one moment someone began to chant an extremely racist and transphobic song that calls out the French national football team for having “all blacks coming from Angola” and makes transphobic remarks about french star player Kylian Mbappé because he once had (or still has) a trans girlfriend. Fernandez immediately turned off stream moments after this chant began. This chant does not originate from the national team circles but from a group of insanely racist fans who travelled to Qatar in 2022 for the World Cup and began to sing it.

    This of course sparked controversy as French players began to call out the Argentinian national team for being racist with their chants. The French Football Federation issued a formal complaint, Chelsea (where Enzo Fernandez plays and where some of the french football players attacked are his own teammates) began an internal investigation and FIFA also spoke about it. Enzo Fernandez issued an apology and everything seemed to go down the natural route of “nothing will be done regarding racism” until ancaptain stepped in.

    Milei removes Sport Undersec who said Messi should apologize for racist chants

    The Argentine presidency announced it on X, claiming that ‘no government can tell the national team or any other citizen what to say, think or do’

    Argentine President Javier Milei fired Sports Undersecretariat Julio Garro on Wednesday following his comments urging Argentine men’s national football team captain Lionel Messi to apologize for the team’s racism incident.

    I’m not entirely sure Messi is directly involved in this incident, I can’t see him during the live stream from Fernandez. But since he’s the captain and main icon of the team, the Secretary thought he should come out and apologize publicly. Which I don’t think it’s a terrible idea even though it never fixes the underlying issue of racism.

    “[We] inform that no government can tell the World Cup and two-time Copa América winning national team or any other citizen what to say, think or do. For this reason, Julio Garro is no longer the Sports Undersecretariat,” confirmed the announcement on the President’s Office X account.

    I love when ancaps present themselves as the ultimate freedom champions. People are without food right now, that is the government telling them what to do: starve.

    Earlier that day, Garro told radio station Urbana Play that Albiceleste captain Lionel Messi should “offer the appropriate apologies” as the incident “leaves Argentina looking bad as a country.” On Tuesday, a clip went viral of Argentina midfielder Enzo Fernández’s live stream of the team’s bus celebrations following their 2024 Copa América win. Fernández and other players can be heard singing a chant which mocks French players for their African heritage. Fernández later apologized via Instagram, admitting there’s “no excuse for these words” and that he stands “against discrimination in all forms.”

    An Interior Ministry spokesperson told the Herald he understood Garro’s comments were personal, rather than institutional, in nature. Garro later rejected the idea he had asked Messi to apologize on his X account. Garro’s position was rejected by President Javier Milei, who retweeted a post on X which claimed that asking for Messi to apologize for the chant went against the president’s ideology.

    Garro said this and immediately went on twitter to say he didn’t say it lmao. Also milei communicates government decisions by liking tweets from pro-government trolls, which make up an official but irregular spokesperson corps.

    Vice President Victoria Villaruel also weighed in on the matter, claiming Argentina “never had colonies or second-class citizens” and “never imposed its way of life on anyone”, and that the government wouldn’t tolerate that being done to Argentina, in reference to the French Football Federation’s announcement that it would sue its Argentine counterpart.

    I love the ancap’s and fascist’s fake ass nationalism. First yes, Argentina had colonies – the entire Patagonia region was colonized by the Argentine State in the late 1800s. Second, we totally had and still have second-class citizens, the colonized subjects (also known as indios) who still live in reservation-like regions are absolutely second-class citizens. The underclass of Argentinian society, the extremely poor, are also second-class citizens. But at the same time, the government allows for the US to build a military base in it’s own soil, allows for foreign companies to pillage Argentina’s national resources for the sake of “investments” and continues to ask the IMF for more and more loans.

    She went on to add that “Argentina was built on the sweat and courage of the Indians [sic], the Europeans, the Creoles and the Blacks” and issued her support for the national team. Upon the announcement, Garro thanked Milei on his X account and apologized for his comments, claiming that he had put forward his resignation.

    This article doesn’t mention the other part where milei and his VP weighed in: They said this football chant was “telling the truth” about France. Look, Enzo already apologized and we know that doesn’t do anything but the guy is trying to step away from this on his own, then comes the fucking president and says “Yo, don’t back down, racism is super cool actually”. Insanity.

    The song itself is awful, it just attacks black french players for being black and of african descent, even though all but very few of them were born IN FRANCE… it’s just racism for the sake of being racist. And only one player was born in Angola, Eduardo Camavinga, so they picked Angola as the target country just because racism. All it does is reinforces the french right wing narrative that France is a white society, that black french people or french arabs are not truly french and thus not welcome. Trying to pin this on french colonialism while attacking the COLONIZED SUBJECTS THEMSELVES is not the own they think it is, it makes it 100% worse.

    I hate it. I hate this fucking boys mentality. Look, it’s never women making comments like these, it’s always men. ALWAYS.

    Milei is set to travel to France soon for the innauguration ceremony of the Olympics in Paris. I hope he gets killed by a mob as he arrives tbh.

  • After some time of not posting ancaptain news, here’s some!

    Industrial Sector Falling Off A Cliff As Activity Shrinks 14 percent in May

    A report by the UIA Argentine Industrial Union accounts for a year-to-year collapse and a contraction compared to the slight monthly growth it had shown in April. The June advance showed similar results. The claim by industrials to the government.

    Industrial production has suffered a year-to-year collapse by 14.3 percent in May and, in the opposite direction of what happened in April, recorded a deseasonalised monthly 0.6-percent fall. Thus, the sector had a new slowdown after the incipient bounce-back by 4.5 percent from the previous month. In addition, over 21,000 jobs have been lost since August.

    The data come from a report by the UIA Argentine Industrial Union, which explains that the performance of the sector “was influenced by the lower demand level and increase in costs in some sectors”. It was also the twelfth month running with a year-to-year fall and so far in 2024, it accumulates a year-to-year 12.8-percent contraction.

    In the meantime, the report by the entity headed by Daniel Funes points out that the anticipated June numbers reflect a persistent collapse compared with 2023 and forecasts that the monthly series would also show a decrease, thus prolonging the recessive valley.

    Nevertheless, the analysis highlights that the information provided was “partially affected by the lower number of working days due to the holidays. Besides, deducting that effect, major falls were observed”, the authors of the text warned.

    Widespread collapse

    In the sector analysis from last month, there were dives in the automotive sector (-40.2 percent), cement dispatch (-32.8 percent), and patents of agricultural machinery (-36.6 percent). In addition, the demand for electricity of major industrial users fell (-13.3 percent).

    As for trade, imports from Brazil declined by 50.8 percent, whereas exports increased by 8.8 percent. In the opposite direction of what happened in April and March, the settlement of foreign currency in the foreign exchange market grew by 25 percent.

    “Even though the performance of the month was partly affected because there were fewer working days, industrial activity continues facing difficulties due to the low demand, as well as higher costs. In this context, in April, recorded wage-earners in the industry plummeted. 5,074 jobs were lost in that month and a decrease by 21,285 jobs is accumulated since August 2023”, industrials warned.

    In most sectors comprising the UIA’s index, the downward term prevailed. The most significant falls were in non-metallic minerals (-28.8 percent), and in the automotive sector (-27.9 percent), where the decline was driven by a lower level of sales both to the domestic market (-36.2 percent) and the export market (-24.1 percent).

    At the same time, the production of basic metals was contracted (-19.5 percent), affected by the drop in steel (-29.4 percent), whereas the production of aluminium grew from May last year (+3.5 percent). Metal-mechanic also gave in (-17.6 percent), accumulating twelve months running of decline, with a drop in all segments of the sector.

    “In the case of the segment of chemical substances and products it fell once again year-to-year (-9.7 percent), with drops in all products comprising the indicator, and mainly by a lower performance in the production of paints, cleaning products and toiletries and medication. In the chemical and petrochemical segment the fall of intermediate petrochemicals(-21.9 percent), inorganic chemicals (-12.4 percent) and plastic raw materials and synthetic rubber (-8.9 percent) stand out”, the report holds.

    As for the production of food and beverages, it experienced a -4.9-percent decline, offset by the increase in oils (10.9 percent). Deducting that category which grew year-to-year, the variation of the rest of the food sector was -7.1 percent.

    The manufacturing of paper and cardboard, in turn, declined year-to-year by -12.6 percent, with a slowdown prevailing in nearly all sub-sectors. It was driven by the general fall of production of paper for packaging, printing and tissue, whereas paper for newspapers grew.


    The only sector in the index which had an increase was oil refinery (4.4 percent), after five months of consecutive fall. It is one of the sectors which grew most in the Milei era, along with a greater exploitation of Vaca Muerta.

    Given the data which expose the deep crisis the sector is going through, representatives from the industry within the UIA expressed their concern over the fall in activity, the rising costs of supplies, the impact of the economic context in the production sector and the rise of energy rates, which especially affected SMEs. In addition to alerting about job losses, industrials agreed about the need to drive an “agenda of measures to gain back the dynamic of the internal market (focusing on the development of local production consumption and formal employment), promoting added-value exports (increase of reimbursements, lowering of duties) and countering unfair competition (anti-dumping and customs values, among others)”.

    They also seized the opportunity to insist on the SME law grounded on six axes: tax simplification, creation of a regime to incentivise industrial SME investment supplementary to the RIGI Big Investment Incentive Regime; an automatic update of categorisation parameters; tools to internationalise companies; simplification of the creation of new companies and access to financing.


    Regarding the RIGI, the Industrial Union asked Javier Milei’s government to regulate the initiative approved in Congress within the fiscal reform contemplating a series of points favouring national industry.

    In this vein, they claim that any local suppliers declaring VPU single project vehicles be a local industry; establishing for 20 percent to be for the development of national industrial suppliers with the same benefits as the rest of those entering the RIGI, among other relevant points for the national industry. “The objective is for RIGI benefits to generate more local suppliers and employment”, they explained from the UIA.

    RIGI is a law approved by the Senate and Congress that is basically an “incentive regime for large investments”. You know what that means in the neoliberal capitalist hellworld: Say a mining company like Barrick Gold comes in, buys an entire area that is known to have X mineral, makes an “”“investment”“”, takes the mineral out (using local cheap manpower without regulations) and fucks off leaving nothing but devastation behind. Almost all natural resources are now free for the taking, they’re “investments” apparently. Not all provinces are going to apply the RIGI, some are in open conflict about it, others are more than willing to give everything away for some money.