Thomas_Dankara [any,comrade/them]

  • 13 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2022


  • I agree with your political conclusions that being anti-west is necessary in all scenarios but not your characterization that comrades enjoy the carnage.

    You live inside a Nazi regime, your inaction is complicity, and your attack of the enemies of your regime is a betrayal of socialism and internationalism

    Socialism is the enemy of the United States, which is the imperial center of gravity. The Russian federation and Ukraine are both products of the destruction of the USSR by the United States. To the extent that the Russian federation is an “enemy” of the united states, it is only because it stands in the way of Unipolar US hegemony, but not in the way of Capitalism itself. I sincerely hope the bourgeois Russian government is ousted and Communists take power in Russia again. And I hope the same for the US. You’re right, inaction is complicity. I’ll try to demonstrate more against my country’s actions, even if it gets me and my family tortured and killed.

  • So because NATO previously looted Russia that makes it more ok for NATO to attack them now?

    I’m not pro NATO or think it’s OK for NATO to do anything it has done. Where did I say it was ok for NATO to do anything? NATO shouldn’t exist. And neither should the Russian federation. Bring back the USSR. Russian federation only exists because NATO destroyed the USSR through US-backed privatization and looting.

  • So you aren’t a Leninist? Lenin is talking about foreign capitalist nations and how attacking them while your own imperialist nation is at war is a form of imperialist intrigue. You are just doing ultraleftism right now and not principled Leninism.

    The US/NATO/EU are responsible for the war, and they’re also responsible for the Russian federation existing in its current form. I don’t think I’m doing “imperialist intrigue” since Russian Federation wouldn’t exist in the first place if it weren’t for US/NATO/EU. If I criticize Russian Federation in any way, it is only insofar as they are a direct result of US imperialism. Hope that makes sense. Same goes for Ukraine and any other post-soviet country. They’re all victims of US imperialism. To the extent that the meme is an incomplete or lazy metaphor, I apologize. I was hoping it could pipeline libs away from a pro-NATO stance but if it fails at that, maybe it needs to be rethought.

    Principled: Oppose NATO and work to stop weapon shipments and push for peaceful negotiation as soon as possible

    Unprincipled: oppose everyone equally and sit on your ass going “let them fight”

    I don’t oppose everyone equally or think the fighting should continue. I’d agree that a peaceful negotiation is necessary as soon as possible. But I don’t see NATO relenting, or Russia letting its guard down, or the Ukraine govt. accepting any peace terms put forward by Russia.

  • Both sidesism that includes your side is fence sitting

    I didn’t include “My side”. None of these bourgeois nations or international institutions represent the working class.

    I think Russia’s invasion was strategically necessary from a bourgeois nationalist perspective of protecting themselves from NATO expansion, and I absolutely think NATO/US/EU carry the largest responsibility in provoking the war. We should stand against all forms of bourgeois nationalism, while recognizing Russia and Ukraine as victims of US imperialism, and a byproduct of US-backed privatization in the 90s. I hope this isn’t right deviationism but feel free to correct and critique this stance.

  • The national age of consent is lower than that, yes, but that’s only because they don’t need to raise it because every individual part of the country has a perfectly normal age of consent.

    CW: Discussion of SA

    Like you said. The national age of consent is low. It’s 13. What this reveals to me is, there’s no federal protections in place, and if one random province decided to institute the national age of consent, nothing would be there to stop them. Just like there’s nothing stopping any individual American state from banning abortion. It’s worth asking why the national age of consent is so low in the first place, and why the people of Japan have to rely on local government to prevent adults from legally having sex with 13 year olds. I mean come on. Also prefectures don’t have their own local ages of consent from what I was able to look up just now. Instead, many prefectures have local “corruption of minors” or “obscenity statutes” (淫行条例) which raise the de-facto age of consent to 16-18, unless they are in a “sincere romantic relationship”, usually determined by parental consent.

    However, Japan has two territories that have their own local age of consent laws. These territories are the Marcus Islands and the Okinotori Islands, where the local age of consent is the same as the national age of consent… 13… so… exactly what I was suggesting is the problem with Japan is still the problem with Japan. Also they have no “Romeo and Juliet” laws I.e. close in age exemptions. Which means if two minors engage in sexual activity they are both charged with statutory rape, regardless of the presence or absence of coercion or the direction of the coercion. Seems potentially problematic to me. A 13 year old boy sexually assaults a 13 year old girl and they both get charged with statutory rape? What?
