TerminalEncounter [she/her]

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  • 10 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 16th, 2021

  • I watched the new jonker

    I’ll spoiler later bits for those who care, I wouldn’t recommend it so whatever. I love Gaga and Phoenix as actors. It was a surprisingly well shot movie with lots of really gorgeous shots - kind of wasted on this. It was funnier than I was expecting, I had some good laughs. Definitely not a need to see in theatre movie, you could watch it when it inevitably comes out on Netflix or whatever if you’re interested

    I get the feeling the director hated the people who liked the first joker - and then was like


    “yeah here’s your favourite cool guy, he’s in prison, and he’s a moron, and he’s abused by the guards, and his girlfriend leaves him, and then all his acolytes hate him, also a guy stabs him and he dies in a hallway” - the southern layer bit when he represents himself was way too funny. And when he cross examines his little person “friend” from the first film (the one he spares), that was some good fucking acting from Leigh Gill.

    I have no idea where the budget went, the first film was shot on $60 million this one was like $200 million. It’s bizarre. I have no idea why WB releases this but cans Batgirl or deletes whatever cartoons from their streaming catalog - like, I don’t get the choice financially. Batgitl must’ve been a fucking stinker if Joker 2 makes it through the cut.

  • Route effects pharmacokinetics, sorry it’s just gonna. Your doctor should be able to refer to a nice little diagram that has empirical research derived equivalencies, so theyre not guessing when they switch route! 2 mg sublingual sounds like a typical starter dose. You get different doses when you do injections (I only do 6.5 mg by subq injection but only once a week, I was up to 5 mg sublingual once a day l), it’s just how it works!

    You might not need 5 or 6 mg, it totally depends on how your liver metabolizes estrogen. There is a lot of variation in human genetics in liver enzymes, that’s why they gotta start low and then boost up. Don’t worry you’ll get to the right level soon!

  • Sure, but bandits weren’t in it just for money. I’m sure they’d be happy to target nobility and merchants (who often hired mercenaries for protection) but it’s easier to plunder, murder, traffic,removed etc the damned poor. They’d hold towns ransom (the famous Seven Samurai plot). A lot were outlaws for other crimes like desertion - sometimes cause the nobles didn’t pay their army so they took their pay in plunder in the nobles lands, sometimes because they were cowards or the odds were stacked too high, sometimes because they poached in the kings lands (for money or for food), etc.

    Banditry was one of the things Mao forbade in the civil war, and ending banditry in the countryside was one of the ways the CPC won the rural folks over. Bandits aren’t Robin Hood historically, taking from the rich to redistribute to the poor, they were lumpen and targeted the serfs and whoever else they could - taking their food, daughters and wives, cash, linens, etc.

  • You need a curly hair routine, don’t comb your hair unless it’s wet (or else it’ll frizz) and like only once or twice a week maybe. Also check the ends for split ends, that’ll frizz you up too. Even when you’re growing your hair, you still need a trim every once in a while to cut off the dead split ends. Your diet and stress level from a year ago might not have been able to support as long as hair as you have, but you wouldn’t have noticed until a year after it grew 😥. Also, depends on the ambient moisture of where you live too

    You might need a good trim or chop and start over from earlier, which sucks but will help.

    You already have good practices like adding oil! You’ll make good progress again.

  • You don’t have to be binary trans, you can be gender fluid, an enby (non-binary), etc.

    The primary narrative we hear about trans women is that “they’ve known since they were 6” and they barely made it to 20 without some kind of self harm (some doing much harsher things I wont elaborate on) because of the intensity of dysphoria. This wasn’t my story. I transitioned in my late 20s, before that fateful year I cracked my egg, I would’ve said I didnt have dysphoria and vaguely enjoyed being a man. From this side of my egg crack, its much more obvious that I was suffering but had learned to push all that down - and I had been so unhappy for so long that I didn’t know what it meant to actually like your gender and yourself. For me, that was just being a man was like. I have very easily identifiable dysphoria NOW - I’ve always hated looking in the mirror since puberty or watching or hearing myself on film, before it was just a quirk, now it’s because I was experiencing dysphoria. I’ve always preferred how girls write and tried my best to avoid reading my own writing - same thing. I fantasized about being born a girl - which, cmon how’d I not know… but at the time it was about how my brother would’ve been better off if he was the oldest son…

    Transitioning is not a forever thing if you don’t want it to. Luckily for you, you seem to be leaning in the trans femme direction. If you choose to take feminizing HRT, it takes months before there’s noticeable changes - infamously there’s a sadly somewhat common story of trans women in the closet taking hrt for years and their wives and friends not noticing… if you’re scared you’ll cross this invisible barrier and never be able to go back, well good news is that it’s just in your head. You’re allowed to detransition if youd like, you have permission from a trans woman (me) if that’s what you needed. Also, in terms of aging… Ill just say E is magic and you’ll hold on to a youthful appearance longer if you’re on it~

    I think it’s totally normal to feel apprehensive about transitioning to the femme side. Because it does mean taking on misogyny in a way you didn’t necessarily have to before. You also have to deal with the double whammy of mysogynoir which even your fellow (white) sisters may not comprehend on top of being trans. It can be frightening, but you don’t have to face it alone. You have your partner and accepting friends, you can do this - if you want. You don’t need to leap into it completely, you’re allowed to experiment and go slowly and reverse if you want. I’m suspecting you’ll do the same thing as a lot of trans people - take it one step at a time, find it’s really nice but be apprehensive about the next step so stay for a while, then move on and repeat! That’s probably the most common narrative for transition, just baby steps until it’s 4 years later and you’re signing up for bottom surgery wondering why you didn’t do this sooner lol