Oh so there is the landing strip
Kearsarge, the Germans, Shimanto and Flandre in that order.
Kearsarge VA is the same as Bocchi
new scientific research equipment: trial type triple-mounted 203mm SKC main gun modification (sea Legend), the prototype triple-mounted 406mm main gun Mk6 modified, the prototype triple-mounted 150mm five-type high-level dual-purpose gun, the prototype double-mounted TbtsKC42T type 150mm main gun, the prototype triple-mounted 380mm main gun Mle1935, and the prototype Operational 55mm Gerät 58 anti-aircraft gun;
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Not really happy since USS Kearsarge is irl an Essex Class Carrier, but at least we have some EU Love.
Destroyer btw
inb4 they have met annual French ships quota
For clarification, the stream will be on the 15th July, 8pm Japan Time
Thoughts on Titan Tragedy?
Any chance of modern submarines being rammed like what HMS Dreadnought did in the past.
S20 Fe 5g, with SD865, 8GB RAM and 256GB Storage
Hopefully Hornet chan and Civi joins us