Reader, wanderer, #vegan agus neach-ionnsachaidh na #Gàidhlig
#pigoneer #VeganLandMovement #FridaysForFuture
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Header image shows the 6 book covers for my most recent Stephanie Jane vegan book reviews (
My avatar is a Cherubow illustration (created @zonacepe) of a red haired face above an oversized smiling cup printed with Stephanie Jane. There is a also a big green pencil in the cup.
@Lodra @kttnpunk Another other alternative is that when the fharmed species of these animals - which have been specifically and unnaturally engineered by us over many generations solely to fulfil our desires from their bodies - are no longer forcibly bred, this would free up vast areas of land on which their wild brethren would be able to flourish, unmolested, again.
To claim breeding animals solely to kill them is the only way to stop them going extinct is disingenuous at best.