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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023

  • I’ve been (temp) banned from a 196 for openly not supporting Biden. Denying and hiding the fact that there are a lot of queer leftists who do not support Biden is erasure so I think it’s actually extremely important to have a community that is explicitly for those voices that get erased elsewhere. You won’t see many posts there encouraging others not to vote for Biden (in fact, I believe a lot of frequent posters there intent to vote for him if he doesn’t step out). So the way you’re framing the discourse in that community is just blatantly false.

    I do agree that there are a lot of comments on this post that are transphobic which is inexcusable. I also think that you specifically are using this situation to try to mischaracterise a person you already clearly dislike. OP is justified in being hurt and frustrated by the fact that They were misgendered and couldn’t call out the mistake. You’re taking it much further by saying that the mod in question wants to genocide queer people because he used the wrong pronoun 1 time.

    Honestly by now it should be pretty clear for anyone reading your comment history that you’re not open to people having a different way to oppose the current genocide that is going on and are happy use lies (a lot) to put your point forward and to try to silence others.

  • I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason that he missed the capital in that comment is because he copied it from another comment he made or because writing that response has become so automated for him that he didn’t think about changing pronoun. It’s not an excuse but it’s more likely than it being intentional misgendering.

    That community gets overrun by people saying to vote for Biden or defending Biden’s actions so it’s a lot of work to remove all those comments (there’s a lot of space on blahaj to voice those opinions and in my experience not much space to voice critique outside of libertyhub so I’m in favour of banning those comments there in order to elevate opinions that get suppressed elsewhere). It means that mistakes are easily made, and to make it themselves easier the mods there probably ban people for comments that they consider to be in a grey area because it reduces the workload.

  • Three points:

    1. Palestine is not as backwards as Westerners think and just assuming that gay people do not exist there openly without any actual proof is orientalist. I personally know openly queer Palestinians from Gaza.

    2. The fact that not all queer people are out openly does not mean they don’t exist and it does not mean that they aren’t being targeted by Israel. IDF soldiers are targeting queer Palestinians and torturing them in heinous ways because they are queer.

    3. The point of Israel killing and targeting queer people in their war is made to connect it to the queer struggle as it’s a clear example of intersectionality. Pride is for the queers worldwide, that includes Palestinian queers who are currently struggling the hardest.

  • Mathematics breaks sometimes when a sentence refers to itself (because it can create contradicting paradoxes). That’s why such sentences are not allowed in formal mathematics.

    This example isn’t really a contradicting paradox yet though, none of the answers are correct hence the question is unanswerable (a logical possibility for an arbitrary question). Other commenters correctly pointed out that this setup would be more interesting if 0% would be one of the given possibilities, because then the question is no longer logically unanswerable hence it would be a contradicting paradox (assuming the question is unanswerable implies a possible answer and assuming that a specific one of the answers is correct implies that it’s not correct)

  • The feeling like a particular gender inside is an outdated way of looking at transness. Some trans people might describe their feelings that way but it’s mostly used by cis people who try to understand being trans.

    To answer your question though: gender dysphoria or euphoria does not have to be about how the body looks. Some trans people only experience it socially, which in an ideal world would mean that they didn’t have to transition.

    There can also be many other reasons why a trans person wouldn’t want to transition (fully). Many trans people choose not to have bottom surgery because it’s an invasive surgery and might not be worth it to them.

  • /uj I’m confused, most leftists I know are putting in effort to educate and unionise workplaces and growing their respective party/community which is actively improving the lives of the people around them. I feel like in the end those efforts have much more impact, because as a single person you can actually change peoples perspectives on for example trans rights by community work whereas for voting to have any impact you need to move massive amounts of people behind 1 single viewpoint. I don’t have strong opinions on the usefulness of voting, I vote for an equivalent of a US 3rd party and I understand fellow trans people who are afraid for their future making them vote for a party they don’t necessarily stand behind but personally I have friends in Gaza and would rather lose some of my rights/live in a more dangerous environment than vote for a party that actively supports the killing of their family members (and possibly them).

    I just wonder if the people in this community ever talk to leftists who organise and still find their work to be offensive or if they only encounter keyboard warrior leftists (who can be very condescending).