• 69 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2021


  • When the media talks about recession (same as your papers, your favourite news site, it’s the media in general), they mean “shit’s bad and you’re struggling”. Same in school, when you learn about a recession, you learn about the simplified definition. That’s fine. I don’t care what your economics book is saying, I deal with real science, not imaginary shit.

    So when people start complaining because their living conditions are getting worse, the same media and the people who suck up to them for some reason (wink wink) come back with “akshully, I think you’ll find things aren’t that bad because technically, this is not a recession”.

    The same thing happens when a government counts “unemployment”. They define it in such ridiculously restrictive ways that every time they report on it, it magically goes down.

    “Oh, you’ve gotten out of bed at least once in the past 12 hours? Well, that’s a job, buddy! Well done, you’re now self-employed and can’t be counted as unemployed.” Telling me “unemployment” is down is meaningless and I couldn’t care less. Telling me “it’s not a recession so everything is fine, trust me bro” is just as meaningless.

  • Exactly. The article doesn’t shy away from a bit of free publicity for Cellerite. Which is nowhere near as much of a magic bullet as the “tech media” makes it out to be.

    How do I know it? By doing the most basic of research by heading to their website and looking at their manuals and documentation.

    And Cellerite won’t tell you this publicly because their bottom line depends on their ability to massively overprice their services which they sell to technically illiterate people.

    Any article that mentions Cellerite without a caveat about the dubiousness of their publicity can be disregarded and shouldn’t be taken seriously.