Meep :3
They/Them, also “It” when the critter calling me that is being cute ior affectionate :3 Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Has been rescued…? ominous music plays bites life for being a butt >:(

  • 8 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • Ohey, that’s better than I’d expected. Kinda cried a lot during the attachment style descriptions part. Good to know a bunch of people think I’m an evil monster who likes hurting people :3

    Now when immediate-ancestors cause unhealthy attachment styles because of their unwellnesses, what do? I’m still really salty about how much of my life I’ve lost 'cause there was neither fairness nor proper care in my early life. Almost died (arguably several times) because She Who Must Never Be Questioned couldn’t handle the thought of anyone else “helping” me. Ungood situation. Plus ungood! Can barely-if-at-all attach any more and it only gets worse.

    Two+ decades with little to no recourse or support in case of bad parenting seems like a bad way. Some (many?) won’t even know how to spot problems, then it’s like “Okay but they were having their own problems too” “Okay so what was I supposed to do? And what do I do now, living in somebody’s attic halfway across the country hoping I can get medicaid sorted out and get some kind of care ever and everything’s worse because my beginning gave me problems instead of solutions” :-\

    … I’m just whinging into the wind I guess. Hard to not blame, I guess is what I’m saying. Need more help going around, and the armchair psychologists labelling and broad-brushing categories of people aren’t helping, I think. wobbles, having confused itself; flops over, has a nap

  • Cold and lonely. Ran out of my main anti-hypertensive+anti-anxiety med, now there’s nothing keeping my blood pressure high (as opposed to extremely high) unless I can smoke enough weed to do that. I don’t really like it enough to try very hard 🤷 Had some kinda emotional crash thing last night, figured out I’m afraid to exist. Especially without an easy way out it feels like a terrifying commitment I’m not ready for. Sounds odd I guess but I don’t pretend to be okay 🤷

    Also, Minnesota’s medicaid stuff is ass-garbage. Just gimme a website where I can poke the buttons and get everything done instantly. Oklahoma managed it. Somehow here it takes months and a bunch of bullshit snail mail and phone calls and I still don’t have it fully set up (prescription coverage fuckingplease?!?) Grrrr!

    Did I mention “cold and lonely?” Dunno if I’m even capable of feeling close to anycritter any more but bleeeh it hurts to not have anycritter I feel like I can yap at.

    Anyway, back to days of daze. sarcastic “Wheee”

  • Rain and cool are nice :3 My attic gets soooooper stuffy so I’ve been liking that this place has decided to be Seattle for a little while 😅 Rain, rain, every day @.@ 🌧 I like storms and rain in general, though :3 At least, while sheltered I do.

    So what is that movie, LotR Empire Strikes back? 😅 Reverse Return of the Jedi? … Dunno why LotR is Star Wars now but I just woke up so I’m probably a little weird 😅

  • Finally, my chance to say…

    I use Arch, by the way :D

    …Also, I tried Ubuntu and Mint and Fedora and some others (ages ago). Didn’t like feeling like everything I wanted to do was stepping on the toes of some software that was trying to manage it for me, but not how I wanted or I just didn’t want it managed for me.

    I tend to alternate between Arch and Gentoo every few years. Sometimes Arch feels like it’s making assumptions and doing things its way more than I want, but then Gentoo takes ages to install or update anything, is a bit more fiddly. I’ll probably go back or maybe try out Funtoo again but for now I don’t have a CPU that won’t melt if I try to compile things (laptop-only booooo v.v!!) sooo Arch for now. :3 🤷

  • Hey you! Hi! :3 😝!

    Also 90+ is horrifying 🙀 I’m Minnesotan now so a humid 66°F apparently feels hot to me now 😅 70ish seems to be the usual beginning of discomforty warmness. Is’pose I wanted to become a cooler-temperature critter, just didn’t think it was gonna happen quite this way I guess 😅 New family and I just finished the second movie (extended edition for both, Ithink) recentlish so that’s sortof a thing we’re doing too. Not in theatre, though :3

  • Very strangely, home life is going great. I’ve joined a new family! Last one friggin’ tried to kill me and did a piss-poor job of raising me, so having one where people talk to me and I can speak my mind and ask questions and they actually maybe even care about my life, rather than just trying to push me to make my life what they want and screw how I feel, basic decency, any kind of respect… Three decades is too long to keep treating someone like a misbehaving child! Anyway I’ve got a new name to wear, if I want 🤔 Idunno what the others with that name think about that, nor quite exactly how I feel 🤔 Hmmifications!

    Went out to an extended-family partyish thingle just now. Got an odd Long Island Iced Tea! It was sour. That was odd. I liked it, though. Tried to get a Mai Tai but they didn’t have something(s) they needed for it 😅 Tried to save some of the burger and tots for later but then I accidentally ate them all @.@ Was good :3

    Adulting-life isn’t so hot but hopefully it’ll work out. Some like… paperworky governmenty crap to deal with, accidentally fuxxored up a money transfer and it’s in the wrong bank and bleeegh that’ll take a minute to fix. Gotta figure out income and get my head checked and fixed and also possibly find out what if anything is wrong with my liver 😅 Gotta wait for more paperwork before I can do that, though. Too much paper up here 🤔

    Online/personal-quiet-???-life is… sadness. Apparently everycritter just assumes that what I need is to be left out in the cold like nobody notices or cares that I’m missing, or why, or anything. Depressness. I hope some day I’ll have some healthy relationships and get to feel like I matter. Head’s busted, though. Hard enough to properly feel anything, then there are messes and problems and glitches and on top of that there’s the fact that hunams are very strange and I don’t belong on this planet :|

    It’s kinda sickening to come back to my computer and just be like “Oh, right, I ran away 'cause nobody gives a shit and now I’m upset 'cause nobody gives a shit. Nothing left to do but sit around alone and dwell on my loneliness.”

    frusses noisily :-\

    So that’s where I’m at. Up here in my attic, sadness. Downstairs, new fam. Downstairs even more, phonecalls and other stress in the basement 😅 🤷